Chapter 26: She's perfect - Age 25

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Cora's POV

I was standing in the hallway, near a coffee machine. I was waiting in line to get two cups of coffee. I never really guessed how many people there are in a hospital. Turns out, there are a lot.

I was watching around me and witnessed all kinds of emotions. There are the people who just received bad news, or people who are here for a routine check-up, or people who are anxious to get surgery... The list goes on. Then there are the people who received a blessing, like Rose and me.

I looked back to the coffee machine, there were 2 people before me. I sighed.

The woman, who stood in front of me, turned around. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah," I showed her a small smile. That's nice of her to ask that. "I just want to get these coffees quickly."

"Are you in a hurry?"

I shrugged. "Not really," I couldn't help but smile. "My wife just gave birth to our daughter, I want to be with them as soon as possible."

She immediately smiled too. "Aww, congrats!"

"Thank you."

"What's her name?"

I smiled more. Just thinking about our little blessing... It made my heart melt. "Hope."

"That's such a beautiful name."

I nodded slowly. I couldn't help but smile, I was so happy. "She's so perfect."

"I bet," She looked back in front of her as it was now her turn to take coffee. "I'll hurry so you can run back to your family."


She finished taking her coffee. "Good luck with your family." 


She smiled at me and she left.

I quickly took two cups of coffee and rushed back to Rose's room. Before I entered, I knocked gently on the door. "Hey," I said as I entered and closed the door. "I'm back." I then handed Rose a cup of coffee.

She took it. "Thanks, Cora," She then sipped it. "Mmm, lovely!"

"Yeah," I then went to sit down at my regular spot, right next to her bed. "It is."

She put the coffee aside and looked at me. "What's the matter?"

I raised my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

She showed me a face. "I can tell you don't feel comfortable or something like that," She frowned a bit then. "So what's wrong?"

I sighed. "You know me too well."

She nodded and showed me a smile. She seemed proud to hear that.

I put my cup of coffee aside as well and looked at her, giving her all my attention. "I just hate this place," I looked down a bit. "I hate hospitals."


I looked at her. "Only bad things happen here."

"Cora," She let out a breath. "You know that's not true," She said, gaining my attention. "Sure, some bad things happen in a hospital, but there are good things too."


She seemed happy I asked. "People receiving good news after a long battle against a disease, people who had surgery to get rid of pain, people who receive the news they're pregnant..." She smiled at me. "The list goes on."

"I guess..."

"And," She said, taking my hand in hers. "Hope was born here. That's not a bad thing, is it?"

Till death do us partOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora