Chapter 27: Home sweet home - Age 25

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Rose's POV

"Hey there," I smiled as I heard Hope wake up. I gently got out of bed and walked to her. "Hey booboo," I gently pulled her out of her tiny bed. "How are you today?"

She opened her eyes and looked at me. Those big brown eyes were scanning me and the surroundings. I often wondered what she would be thinking.

"Are you hungry?" I asked as I walked us to a chair nearby.

She squealed a bit and start moving her tiny hands excitedly.

"Yes, you are," I sat down and laid her on my legs. In the meantime, I got out of my shirt. "Come here, booboo," I pulled her up and guided her to my breast. "Here you go."

She immediately found what she wanted and started sucking. She was making a small sucking noise. I could never get tired of hearing that.

I smiled as I watched her enjoy. I could look at her for hours. I'd never get tired of this. I never wanted this to end. This is what I wanted.

"That's nice, isn't it?" I asked as I gently caressed her tiny head. "Yes, you love that, don't you booboo?"

Then, the door of my room opened. And in came Cora. "Hey," She smiled as she saw I was feeding Hope. She walked to us and looked at us. "What a good girl you are, muffin!"

I looked at Cora. "Muffin?"

She shrugged. "She's as sweet as a muffin," She then looked at Hope. "Besides, you call her 'booboo'..."

I frowned a bit. "So?"

"What kind of a nickname is that?" Before I could reply to that, she went on: "It seems she's done."

I looked at Hope and saw she was indeed done. I made her burp before looking at her again. "Let's get you to bed, booboo," I then walked her to her bed and laid her back down. "There you go, get some sleep."

Cora walked to Hope. She watched her. "Night night, muffin."

I rolled my eyes at that before taking my shirt and putting it back on. I then want to lay back down in my bed. I sighed.

Cora sat down on the bed with me. "So I talked to the nurses," She smiled then. "You two can come home today."

I instantly smiled. "Really?"

Cora smiled too, she must've noticed just how eager I was to get back home. "Yes."

"We have to get everything ready at home too though..." I thought out loud. "What do we do with Hope then?"

"Rose," She said, putting her hand on my leg. "That's alright, I prepared everything for your arrival with our blessing."

I smiled. "Thank you."

"Of course," She leaned closer and gave me a gentle kiss. "I can't wait to sleep next to you again," She whispered on my face. "I've missed you so much at night."

"I've missed you too," I whispered back. I gulped a bit. "I've missed your love."

She let out a small breath. She seemed to feel the same thing as me. "Tonight, Rose, tonight we'll sleep together."

I slowly nodded. "Tonight." I repeated.


That evening, Hope and I were able to go home with Cora. I was so happy to go back home, but most of all to go home with Hope. Our home would be complete with her in it. Cora and I had been waiting so long for this moment and it was finally here.

As we were parked in front of the house, Cora and I looked at each other before looking at Hope. "Shall we?" She asked.

"We shall." I said and got out of the car.

Cora walked to the front door and opened it for us. "Welcome home, muffin."

I smiled as I walked through the front door with Hope. "Welcome home, Hope."

Cora smiled at me. "Shall we put her to her bed? She's probably tired."

I nodded and followed Cora upstairs. We walked to Hope's room and, when we entered, I was baffled by how good it looked. "Wow, Cora," I let out a breath. "This looks wonderful!"

She smiled at me. "Only the best for our blessing."

I smiled at her and walked to the little bed. I gently placed Hope in it. "There you go," I sighed a bit. "I love you."

Cora walked to us and stood behind me. She slowly wrapped her arms around me. "She's beautiful," She kissed my cheek. "You did a great job, Rose."

I smiled a bit. "We did a great job, Cora."

She chuckled a bit. "Let's go to bed." She whispered and pulled me with her.

As Cora was pulling me away, I couldn't help but look behind me at Hope. I hadn't been away from her since she was born... It was an odd feeling.

"Here you go," She said as she made me lay down in bed. "Now you can rest well too."

I snuggled in bed a bit. "Yeah..."

She frowned. "What's wrong, Rose? I thought you were happy to get home."

"I am," I sighed and laid on my side so I'd face her. "I just have a hard time being separated from Hope."

Her facial expression changed then. She seemed to understand exactly what I was trying to say. "Would you rather have I get her in here?"

I looked at her and thought about it for a bit. I'd love to have Hope close but, at the same time, I'd have to learn to let her be in her own room too. I sighed. "No," I snuggled closer to her. "She has to be in her room."

Cora nodded slowly but didn't seem convinced. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I snuggled even closer to her. "I just want to enjoy your company now."

She smiled a bit. "Me too," She wrapped her arms around me. "I'm happy you're finally home," She got closer to the point that our noses almost touched. "I don't like having you in the hospital."

I gave her a look. "Hospitals aren't always a bad thing, Cora."

"I know," She sighed. "But I just don't want you there," She then showed me a small smile. "I just want you here, with me. Do you understand that?"

I smiled too then. "I do."

She leaned closer and connected our lips. "I love you." She whispered on my lips.

"I love you too." I whispered back before pulling her lips to mine again.

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