Chapter 20: Getting nervous - Age 23

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Rose's POV

I was rushing around my room. I needed to get my dress, I needed to get my purse, I needed to get my necklace, I need to get my make-up done... I had to do so much but I couldn't seem to get to it. Instead, I was walking around like a lost child.

"Rose!" Cora shouted from downstairs. "Are you almost done? We have to go!"

I let out a deep breath. "Almost!" I replied. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess. Why did I lie to her? I wasn't nearly ready. I rushed and finally got into my dress. Then it occurred to me I didn't know where my purse was...

I cursed silently and went through my closet. Where was it? Where was it? I throw clothes away, trying to get underneath every layer. Maybe it had gotten in the back?


"Coming!" I groaned. Where was it? I decided to let that be for now and went back to the mirror. I decided to focus on my make-up. I started applying it and made sure not to put on too much. I preferred the natural look.


I groaned. "Yes!" I got up and went back to the closet. I needed my purse, but where was it?

Suddenly, I heard footsteps in the room. I looked behind me and saw Cora at the door. She looked around, her eyes widened. "What happened here?"

I sat back and let out a deep sigh. "I hurried," I looked at her. "I really tried to. But I can't find it..." I looked down.

"What can't you find?"

I gulped. "My purse," I looked at her. "The one that matches with this dress so well."

She looked at me, she seemed to think about something. "Rose," She knelt next to me. "You put that purse downstairs by the door so you wouldn't forget it," She frowned. "Remember?"

I frowned then. "Did I?" I thought about it.

"Yes," She got up. "Come on," She pulled me up. "We really have to hurry."

We went downstairs. We went to the front door and put our coats on. It's then that I indeed noticed my purse by the front door. How did I forget about this?

We left the house and went to the car. Cora opened the door for me. "Thanks." I smiled at her as I entered the car.

She closed the door for me and walked around the car to get into the driver's seat. She started the car and we were on our way.

While we were on the road, I felt Cora glance at me regularly. I wondered what that was about but I didn't ask her anything. I figured if she wanted to talk about it, she would. She's the more outgoing one of the two of us.

After some time, she cleared her throat. That was a sign she'd want to talk to me about something serious. "Rose," She started, I looked at her immediately. "Are you doing alright?"

I frowned a bit. "Yes, why?"

She shrugged. "You seem so worked up," She glanced at me. "It's like this whole situation is getting to you a lot, am I right?"

I shrugged then. "I just wanted to look good for our friends."

She smiled a bit. "I'm just worried about how this wedding is affecting you," She glanced at me once more. "You're so nervous about this wedding, what will it be if it's our own wedding? Will you be able to handle that?"

I looked away briefly. "I don't know."


We arrived at the church where the ceremony would be held. Cora parked the car and looked at me. "Hey," She caressed my face. "Are you alright?"

I looked at her. "I'm sorry."

She frowned a bit. "What are you sorry for?"

I looked down a bit. "For making you feel worried about me."

She smiled a bit. "No matter what, I'll always worry about you," She said, gaining my attention. "Because I love you. It's my job to look after you, to care about you, to be there for you."

I smiled a bit. "I love you too."

She smiled before leaning in closer. She gently pressed her lips against mine. "I love you." She said softly before pulling back.

I smiled more. 

"Come on," She opened the car door and got out, as did I. She walked to me and immediately got a hold of my hand, we intertwined our fingers. "This is a huge church..."

"Yeah," I looked around the crowd as we were walking towards the church. I saw some people eyeing us. I gulped. "Cora, maybe we shouldn't do this."

She looked at me. "Do what?"

"This," I pulled our hands up a bit. "People don't seem to like it."

"I don't care about people," She pulled our hands up and kissed mine. "I care about us, and our friends are supporting us. And it's their wedding..."

"I guess so..."

Cora walked confidently into the church while I was trying my best not to look around. I was so worried about the looks.

We finally sat down, at the front of the church. People were gathering inside too, taking their seats.

After some time, Naheed appeared. He was standing in front, I could tell he was nervous. He looked around the crowd. When his eyes caught mine, he smiled at me.

I smiled back and put up a thumb.

He smiled more before the music started playing. He looked at the back and saw his bride, Dara, walk towards him.

The way they were looking at each other... It was perfect. They had found each other and, against all odds, had survived each other. I was happy for them.

When Dara made it to the front, the real ceremony began. As the priest was talking about marriage, I couldn't help but seek comfort. I leaned against Cora's side.

Cora seemed surprised I'd do this and looked at me. "Everything alright?" She whispered.

I let out a happy sigh. "I can't wait for us to get married too."

She let out a happy sigh too then. "Our turn will come," She put her hand on my lap, presenting it for me to take. "You will be my wife soon enough."

I smiled before taking her hand in mine. I intertwined our fingers and smiled even more. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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