Chapter 24: Our special connection - Age 24

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Cora's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the small glimpses of sunlight that got into our room. I blinked a bit before looking down, at my chest. I smiled as I saw Rose still hugging me while sleeping.

I gently planted a kiss on her head and pulled her into me. I wish we could stay like this forever. Everything was perfect like this. Just us. Together.

Rose gently moved a bit, I could tell she was starting to wake up. She buried her face in my chest, she clearly tried to get some more sleep.

I chuckled at that sight. "Good morning, Rose."

She groaned a bit, she could be grumpy in the morning. She once told me she was grumpy because she didn't want me to leave for work.

I kissed her head again. "Did you sleep well?"

Finally, she looked up and I could see her beautiful face. She smiled. "When you finally allowed me to sleep, I did sleep well."

I chuckled.

"It was amazing," She said, rearranging her position so she was on my eye level. "I loved last night."

"We should do that more often."

She smiled and nodded. "Absolutely."

Then, to ruin the amazing mood that was set, my alarm clock went off. I turned around and turned it off. I then turned back to face Rose. "It seems I have to get ready."

"No," She wrapped her arms and legs around me, preventing me from getting out of bed. "Stay."

"Rose," I caressed her face. "You know I would love nothing more than to stay here with you all day, this is perfect," I smiled at her. "And I want to do that test already."

She giggled a bit.

I pulled her into me. "I want us to have a child already."

"I want a child too," She smiled at me. "But you can't get everything you want immediately, Cora."

"Are you sure about that?" I pulled her closer to me.

She seemed to catch on to what I was trying to get at. She smiled more. "Yes."

I pulled her closer to me. "Well," I gently let my hands roam over her naked body. I loved feeling her body, I loved getting this close to her. It felt so intimate. "I know one thing I can get immediately."

She didn't reply anymore, she just let it all happen. She wrapped her arms around me and welcomed all the affection.

"I want you." Immediately, I got on top of her. Our lips got together like magnets, our bodies found each other as only soulmates do. Spending time with her like this, meant so much to me. We were able to connect in a different way. This was our own special way of telling each other how we felt about each other.

"I love you," She said after her high. "I love you so much."

I kissed her gently. "I love you too," I then spotted the time in the corner of my eyes. "But I really have to get going."

"Will you be back early today?" She asked as she watched me get ready for work. Her eyes followed my every move.

"I don't know," I hurried to get dressed. "I'll try to get home soon," I put on my pants and walked back to her. "I promise." I pecked her lips then.

She smiled. "I can't wait."

"I love you." I said as I walked out of the room.

"I love you too!" She shouted.


Rose's POV

I had spent most of the day in bed. I didn't care to get up. I didn't need to get up. There was nowhere I had to go. No duty, no job, nothing. So I decided to enjoy the comfort of our bed, the place Cora and I made love at.

It's odd how at some days, I felt guilty for not doing anything. But some days, like today, I didn't care one bit. Maybe it was because of the way Cora left this morning, I don't know. She just made me feel so special and loved, as if I couldn't do anything wrong. It's a wonderful feeling.

Around 2 in the afternoon, I decided I should definitely get up. I decided to eat a small meal as dinner was right around the corner. While I was eating my meal, I was already thinking about what I should make for dinner, for Cora. I wanted to make something special, so we could perhaps continue our magnificent night tonight.

Right before I would start making dinner, I did the pregnancy test. Even though Cora wanted to know the result badly, she told me I could do it on my own, if I wanted to. And I couldn't wait anymore.

As I was waiting for the result, I started preparing dinner. I had lots of things to do but I couldn't help glancing at the test every 2 seconds. I just wanted to know the result already!

When it finally beeped, I rushed to the test. I looked at it and let out a victorious yell while dancing around the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, the door bell rang. I put the test aside and walked to the front door. I opened it and smiled. "Hey, what are you two doing here?!" I pulled Dara and Naheed in for a big hug.

"We were in the neighborhood and decided to come say hi," Naheed said as he sniffed around. "It smells amazing in here!"

"It does," Dara nodded. "I hope we're not interrupting something?"

"No, don't worry," I saw Naheed was looking for the source of the smell. "Cora's home yet so we've got time."

"Sweet!" Naheed said as he took a seat at the dining table.

Dara nodded and sat down next to him.


Cora's POV

I arrived home and saw a car parked in front of our house. At first I wondered what it was doing there until I recognized it was the car of Naheed and Dara.

I parked my car and got out. I got to the house and entered. "Rose, I'm home!"

"Living room!" She said.

I took off my coat and shoes, and walked to the living room. There I saw Rose talking with Naheed and Dara. "Hey." I said as Rose got up and went to the kitchen.

"Hey, how are you?" Dara asked.

"I'm doing well," I nodded. "How nice of you two to visit."

"We were in the neighborhood and - "

"And we smelled Rose's amazing food!" Naheed said, interrupting Dara mid-sentence. "Man, she can cook!"

I chuckled. "She's the best at anything."

"Aww!" Dara smiled at me.

Rose came back to us and handed me a glass of champagne.

I took the glass and frowned a bit. Champagne? We rarely drank this... I looked at Rose and saw she was smiling. Her smile, however, was different than usual. There was something special going on. Suddenly, I realized what it might be and, seeing as Rose nodded, I smiled big too. "I love you." I said, not wanting to reveal too much to our friends yet. Then I kissed her.

"I love you too."


A Merry (late) Christmas for all of you! 🎄

- LxT4ever

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