Chapter 13: Graduation party - Age 22

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Rose's POV

College had flown by. I was happy that Cora and I worked so well throughout the years. I truly believed that this period showed we were ready to spend our lives together. We were ready to live together and plan our future. And I was so eager about it!

This whole week we had been packing. We were going to move back home after the graduation party. I was curious about it though. Moving back... It almost seemed like a step back.

I somewhat hoped Cora would talk about our future. She's the person in this relationship to take the next step, I follow her lead. But, for some reason, she hasn't spoken about the next step. I often wondered if she had a plan. Maybe she didn't want to talk to me about it. Maybe she didn't want to force the issue on me. Maybe she just wanted to approach this gently. Whatever the reason may be, I secretly hoped she'd come to me soon.

In between packing, Cora and I met up with the friends we made here at college. It was some sort of farewell. Cora had more friends than me, just like in high school. She spent quite some time meeting up with all of them. I didn't have to say goodbye, my friend here was Cora.

As the day of our graduation party came, I got nervous. I couldn't seem to relax. It's funny how I already passed yet I was still nervous about it. I guess I would only believe I passed when I have my diploma in my hand. 

I wonder what my fathers will say. I've missed them so much. I'll be happy to be with them again.


The ceremony was beautiful. It was such a special and emotional moment. I could see my fathers in the mass of people. They were taking pictures but I saw them occasionally wipe a tear away.

After the ceremony, the graduation reception started. Parents and families of the children who just graduated gathered around to spend some time chatting.

Cora and I found our families easily. 

"Dad!" I rushed to them. "Papa!" I hugged them both tightly. "I've missed you two so much."

They hugged me back, I could feel them squeeze me more. They clearly had a hard time today, they were emotional.

I pulled back then. "I almost felt like a celebrity," I smiled at them. "You two were taking so many pictures."

They chuckled. "We want to cherish this moment forever, honey." Dad stated.

"Our little girl is all grown up now." Papa said, wiping a tear away.

I smiled at that gesture. "I'll always be your little girl, papa," I hugged him again. "I love you two so much."

They hugged me back immediately. "We love you too."

"Hey, Rose."

I pulled back and saw Cora walking toward us. "Hey, Cora."

She was walking to us with Miles and Anthony behind her. Her brothers came as her family. I often wondered where her parents were. They never showed their faces. And I barely knew anything about them.

Cora looked at my fathers. She stepped forward. "Hello." She shook their hands.

"Hello, Cora," They both said. "Congrats on graduating."

She smiled at them before looking at her brothers. "Oh, these are my brothers," She looked at my fathers. "I don't believe you've met."

My fathers shook hands with Anthony and Miles, getting to know each other.

"Where are your parents?" Papa asked Cora, looking around the mass of people.

Cora put her hands in the pockets of her pants. "They're busy." She simply stated.

"Busy?" I asked, I couldn't help but wonder. In all my time with Cora, she barely talked about them. And whenever I brought the subject up, she avoided it as much as possible. I surely was going to take my chance to learn more.

Cora nodded.

"Our parents are business people," Anthony said, sensing Cora wasn't going to talk. "They don't often get home."

"They expect Anthony to take care of us," Miles went on. "Because he's the oldest."

I looked at Cora and could tell she was having a hard time with this subject. So, despite the fact I wanted to learn more, I changed the topic. 

For the rest of the graduation party, we just chatted about college and other things. Cora was participating more in the conversation but I could tell she needed someone to listen to her.


Cora's POV

After the graduation party, our families went back home. They took our luggage too, so we wouldn't have to worry about that.

Rose wanted to go out tonight. She had spotted a nice cafe, not that far from our college. We went there on foot.

When we sat down at a table, outside the cafe, I looked around. "This is a cozy place," I sighed happily. "Nice view." I looked at the street and the people walking by.

"Yeah." Rose smiled but I could tell she was thinking about something.

I sighed again. "What is it?"

She scooted closer to me. "I'm sorry we talked about your parents," She took my hand in hers. "I figured it wasn't a topic you'd want to talk about."

I looked at her, then our hands. I shrugged.

"We don't have to talk about it, I just wanted you to know I'm here for you if you want to talk about them."

I looked at her and smiled. "Thanks."

She smiled too then.

I shook my head. "I love you," I scooted closer to her too. "Have I told you that today?"

"Hmm..." She pretended to think. "No," She looked at me. "I don't think you have actually."

I pretended to be shocked and grasped at my heart. "How dare I?!"

She giggled.

"I think a punishment is in place."

She giggled more. "Like?"

I smiled at her. "A kiss."

"A kiss?" She chuckled. "So giving me a kiss is a punishment to you?"

I nodded to which she looked shocked almost. "Only 1 kiss... That's torture!"

She then chuckled again. 

"So," I scooted even closer. "May I?" I asked, referring to the kiss I wanted to give her.

She smiled. "You may."

I leaned in and pressed my lips onto hers. It was only meant to be one kiss but thankfully, I was allowed to get many more.

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