Chapter 6: A second chance - Age 17

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Cora's POV

I showed her a small smile and presented my hand. "I'm Cora."

The girl looked at me, then at my hand. She showed me a small smile too. "I'm Rose."

We shook hands for quite a while. It's as if we were stuck in this gesture. I wondered if she needed extra comfort this way.

"So Rose," I wondered... Was this Naheed's friend? However, what are the odds? "Do you want to talk about what happened?"

She didn't answer immediately, she seemed to take some time to respond. Eventually, she simply shook her head.

I sighed. She was going through a rough time. I could tell. I figured she'd need something to avert her attention. "Why don't you come home with me?"

She looked a bit surprised when I said it. "I..." She gulped. "I don't know..."

"Come on," I showed her a smile. "It'll be fun," Before she'd reply, I pulled her with me by the hand. "Let's go."

I pulled her with me outside of school, there I looked around and noticed Miles had left. Anthony was here somewhere. Of course, Miles didn't send me a text...


I turned my head towards the sound and saw Anthony waving at me from inside his car. He was parked a bit further down the parking lot. I smiled and went to his car, still pulling Rose with me. "Hey, Ant," I said as I entered the car. Rose entered too, gaining looks from Anthony and Miles. "This is Rose, she's my friend."

Anthony and Miles nodded and the car started.

Rose seemed surprised I'd refer to her as a friend. Perhaps, all she needed was a friend...?

I looked at her, showing her a smile. "These are my brothers," I said, motioning to them. "Anthony," I motioned to him. "And Miles." I motioned to him.

Rose looked at them, nodded, and then looked at me. She seemed so shy, as if looking at them made her scared.

I took her hand in mine, trying to comfort her this way.


When we arrived home, I immediately took her to my room. I figured she'd prefer to be somewhere a bit more calm. "So this is my room." I said as we entered my bedroom.

Rose looked around. She carefully walked around, she seemed so afraid.

I went to sit down on my bed and watched her go around the room. However, Rose was finished early and looked at me. "Come," I patted the spot on my bed in front of me. "Don't be afraid."

She looked from my bed to me. She seemed to take a moment before sitting down with me on my bed.

I showed her a small smile. "So," I said, trying to gain her attention. "Do you still not want to talk about what made you so upset?"

She looked down, fidgeting with her hands. She slowly shook her head.

I looked away for a brief moment, trying to find another topic to talk about. "So," I looked at her again. "My friend wanted me to meet someone with your name."

She raised her eyebrows. "Really?"

I nodded. "Maybe you know her," I paused. "Her name is Dara."

At that moment, her face changed completely. Her jaw dropped slightly, her eyes widened, she seemed surprised. It's almost as if she saw a ghost. "Y-you're Dara's friend? The one from the dance?"

I smiled then. "Yes," I smiled more. "I guess you were supposed to be my date."

She sighed deeply before burying her face in her hands.

My smile disappeared. "Rose?" I gently patted her back. "Rose?"

She revealed her face again and looked at me. "I feel so stupid right now!"


She shook her head and, for the first time since I saw her, she showed me a smile. "I could have had a date with you," She smiled more. "With you!"

I nodded, I smiled too. "I guess so, yes."

She shook her head. "I've been feeling so bad since the dance," She let out a breath. "Naheed and Dara tried their best to help me get a date but I was so afraid they had set me up with a guy..." She looked down. "So instead of waiting to see Dara's friend, I fled."

I chuckled.

She looked at me. "It's not funny!"

"It is," I scooted closer to her. "They're your friends, they should know you're gay."

Her face went cold then. "I..." She gulped. "I didn't say I was gay."

"Oh..." I looked away then, suddenly I felt awkward. I had assumed something. "I'm sorry," I gulped. "I just assumed..."

It took a while before Rose replied. She just looked shocked, making me feel even worse. Then, after a few minutes, she started chuckling.

I looked at her. "W-what...?" I was so confused.

She laughed. "It's funny to see your face when you feel embarrassed!" She laughed more.

I'd fight her or playfully attack her - to safe face - but I decided not to. Seeing her so happy, made me happy. This is what I wanted, ever since I found her in the restrooms.


Around 6, Rose had called her parents to come and get her. We waited in the living room for them. I had hoped to spend some more time with her but, unfortunately, her parents arrived soon.

I walked her to the front door. I handed her her jacket and backpack, then I opened the door.

She looked outside to her parents' car, then she looked at me. She showed me a smile, a real heartwarming smile.

I returned that smile.

She cleared her throat. "Maybe we can get a do-over?"

I raised my eyebrows. "A do-over?"

She nodded. "A second chance," She gulped, I could tell she was nervous. "A date," She looked at me. "As our friends planned for us."

I smiled then. "I'd love that."

She smiled too then. "I'll see you around."

"You'll see me tomorrow."

She nodded, while smiling, and walked to her parents' car. I watched as she got in and left.

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