Chapter 9: Prom night - Age 18

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Cora's POV

I looked around the table in front of the mirror. I was looking for the right color lipstick. When I found it, I applied it. I looked at myself in the mirror. Almost, I thought. Maybe I need to try on my dress.

And so I walked back to my room. I took the dress, I had bought especially for prom, and put it on. I smiled as it fits well. I went back to the mirror and looked myself up and down. Yes, I thought, this is it.

I walked downstairs and was greeted by Anthony and Miles. Anthony was smiling at me, like a proud big brother, Miles on the other hand was clearly dragged here. "You look wonderful, Cora." Anthony said.

I smiled at him. "Thanks, Ant," I looked at Miles. "What do you think?"

Miles looked at me. "Yeah, you look nice."

"Thanks, Miles," I then looked at Anthony again. "Thanks for letting me use your car."

He nodded. "Prom is a special event, I wouldn't ruin it by not letting you use my car."

I smiled again. "I'll see you two later tonight or tomorrow."

They nodded and watched me get out of the house. I went to the car, started it and left. I waved them goodbye before heading to my girlfriend's house.


I got out of my car and walked to the front door. I knocked on it and waited. I had to admit, I was a bit nervous. I hadn't met her fathers yet, I hadn't even gone inside her house yet. This was a first. And I couldn't wait for it.

The door opened and I saw a man.

"Hello sir, I'm Cora," I extended my hand. "I'm here to pick up Rose."

The man shook my hand and moved aside, but he didn't speak to me. I gulped as I entered the house.

Another man approached me. He looked at me.

"Hello sir, I'm Cora," I once again extended my hand. "I'm here to pick up Rose." I gulped as I noticed he wasn't shaking my hand. Instead, he seemed to judge me.

"Rose," The man, who had let me in, shouted. "Can you come here?"

I stood there, awkwardly fidgeting with my hands. I didn't understand what was happening.

Finally, Rose showed herself. She was wearing a beautiful dress, she was dressed up amazingly. I was looking at her with my jaw slightly dropped, and I didn't care that anyone noticed. I loved what I saw.

"Do you know who this is?" One of the men asked Rose.

Rose looked at me, then at the man. "No." She said, making my jaw drop more.

"What?" I was shocked. "Rose, what's going on?"

Rose looked away but, when she did, she started laughing. Soon enough, the two men started laughing too. Rose then looked back at me. "We got you!"

I let out a breath of relief. "I seriously thought this was a bad dream."

She smiled at me. "So dad and papa," She said to her fathers. "This is Cora, my girlfriend," She smiled at me. "Cora, these are my fathers."

I smiled at them. "I'm Cora," I repeated before extending my hand once again. "Rose's girlfriend."

They finally shook my hand and smiled at me. "It's nice to finally meet the person who could melt our princess' heart." One of them said.

"We're so happy for you two." The other one said.

Rose walked to me and wrapped her arms around me, seemingly looking for comfort. This may have seemed like a small gesture, but I knew this was a big step for her.

I kissed her head before trying to look at her face. "Shall we go?"

She leaned back so she could look at me. "Yeah," She smiled at her fathers. "I'll see you two later."

"Take your time and enjoy your prom, honey." One of them said.

She smiled at them. "I will," She then looked at me. "Let's go.


We arrived at the prom, it was once again in the gym. We stopped at the entrance, the place no one could see us.

Rose looked at me. "Is everything alright?" She looked around. "Why are we stopping here?"

I gulped before looking at her. "I'm very happy and thankful that you're taking me to prom," I showed her a small smile. "But are you sure you're ready for this?"

She seemed surprised I'd talk about this. "Uhm..."

"I just don't want you to be unsure or afraid," I sighed. "People will look, I just want you to be ready for that."

Suddenly she smiled. "The fact you care so much about me warms my heart," She caressed my face. "With you by my side, I can do anything."

I smiled at her. "Ok," I paused. "I just wanted to check."

"Let's go." She said, took my hand, and guided us to the gym. When we entered - hand in hand - people looked. I wondered if they were just curious about our relationship or if they were judging us. Either way, Rose didn't seem to care. I don't know why she suddenly seemed so confident about us, but I was happy about it.

We stopped on the dancefloor. Rose wrapped her arms around my neck while I wrapped mine around her waist. Together we started slow dancing. I looked around briefly but then decided to just focus on her. I smiled at her. "This is amazing."

She smiled at me. "It's amazing because you are here."

I giggled a bit and looked away, I felt my cheeks redden. "You're such a player," I looked at her. "But thank you." I leaned in, kissing her cheek.

Rose wasn't shocked, she didn't pull back. I had expected some kind of reaction like that, especially since I knew she wanted time. But she seemed fine. Instead, she smiled at me. She got a hold of my chin, with one hand, and made me look at her. She then slowly pressed her lips on mine.

I almost pulled back from the sudden action but luckily I didn't. I made sure to pull her closer and enjoy our first kiss, on our first real date.

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