Chapter 12: Big plans - Age 19

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Cora's POV

The next day, I had set up everything for a nice date with Rose. I wanted to make it romantic, perhaps have our first night here at my house. In all the time we've been together, we never slept over at the other's house. Maybe we wanted to be sure not to alert our family...

At college, we always slept together. We specifically had chosen a dorm room with one big bed. I remember Rose being a bit shy about it. She didn't decline that choice, but I could tell it was something she had to get used to.

I smiled happily at my work before going downstairs. I expected Rose any time now and wanted to get the final things ready. I walked to the kitchen to get some drinks and snacks.

"So," Anthony nodded, he had a smirk on his face. "Big plans huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "I just want to have a good time with my girlfriend," I looked at him. "Is that a problem?"

"Not at all," He crossed his arms. "But uhm..." He looked at Miles, they were both having these stupid grins on their faces. "Do we have to inform you about the birds and bees?"

I rolled my eyes again. "Haha," I nudged him. "Very funny!" I said sarcastically.

"Is she staying over?" Miles asked, clearly referring to Rose.

I nodded, even though I hadn't even asked her.

"Hot." He simply remarked.

Anthony nudged Miles before looking at me. "Careful though," He started, making me groan. "I know you don't want to hear it but you have to be careful when you're that close with someone."

Even though I didn't want to hear it as he said, he was right. "I know," I showed him a small smile. "Thanks for looking out for me."

"Always," He smiled at me. That's when the doorbell rang. "I guess that's your girlfriend."

I rushed to the front door and smiled when I saw Rose. "Hey," I took her by the hand and pulled her inside the house. I just wanted her close and now, I could. "I missed you."

She showed me a smile too. "I missed you too," She then looked behind me. "Hey Anthony, hey Miles."

I looked behind me too. "Guys," I snapped. "Some privacy, please."

"You have a room, Cora," Anthony remarked. "Go up there."

I groaned before pulling Rose with me to my room. "Here we won't be bothered," I said as I saw Rose look at my hard work. "I hope you like it," I said as I wrapped my arms around her from behind. "I did my best."

"Yeah," Rose walked out of my embrace and sat down on my bed. She looked around. "It's nice," She then looked at me. "It reminds me of the times I tried making it special for you."

I smiled at those memories. "Yeah," I walked to her. "Good times," I went to sit down next to her. "So," I started, gaining her attention. "How are you?"

She looked at me, almost as if she was confused by what I had said. "Uhm..." She frowned. "I'm fine..." She then looked at me. "Why?"

I shrugged. "I'd like to know how my girlfriend is doing," I smiled then. "I want you to be happy and to feel loved and - "

"Oh God no!" She buried her face in her hands.


She sighed and looked at me. "My fathers talked to you, didn't they?" Before I could even reply, she went on: "Oh God, how embarrassing!"

"Hey hey," I put my hand on her leg. She looked at this gesture but didn't pull back. "I'm glad they told me how you really felt," I sighed. "I haven't been the best girlfriend recently."

Rose didn't agree or disagree, she looked down a bit and sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry."

"Why?" She asked but still didn't look up at me. "Why would you leave during the evenings?" She then finally looked at me. "When we got to college with our own dorm room, I thought we would spend so much time together. Instead, I'm on my own most of the time... I don't understand."

I sighed. "You're right," I gulped and looked at her. "Truth is... I spent most of my time in the library because I worry that if I study in our dorm room, I won't be able to."

Rose frowned a bit. "What do you mean?"

I smile then, I loved her naive side. "How can I focus on my study books when you're there?" I scooted closer to Rose. "You're the most interesting thing on this planet."

Rose giggled and looked away, blushing.

I scooted even closer, slowly finding my way on top of Rose. I was careful though, I didn't want to push Rose too much. I gulped. "I love you."

Rose looked at me. She seemed surprised to hear those magical three words. However, I knew we were both feeling the same way. We hadn't said it out loud till now but the feelings were there. "I love you too." She finally said.

I smiled at her before leaning down and kissing her. I let out a content sigh during the kiss. I couldn't explain it in any other way but when I kissed her, it felt like coming home. She made me feel at ease. It was so special.

Rose wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her. It was a simple gesture but a very meaningful one for her. Rose had always been a bit distant when it came to physical contact. The fact she's allowing me this close to her was special.

After a while, I pulled back. We were both a bit out of breath. I gulped. "Let me lock the door."

She gulped too, seemingly catching on to what I was thinking. She nodded and released her grip around me.

I got up, rushed to the door, locked it, and got back to her. I immediately laid back on top of her. I smiled then. "There," I pecked her lips. "Now we're good."

She let out a chuckle. "What exactly are your plans?"

I smiled at her. "Oh, nothing special..." With my legs, I opened hers so I'd lay in between hers. "I thought we could just spend the night..." Gently, I started pushing my lower half against her. "Like this..."

She chuckled and shook her head. "You're unbelievable."

"And that's why you love me."

She chuckled again. "I do," She pulled my face to hers. "I love you, Cora."

"I love you too, Rose."

And that was our first time together.

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