It's Just a Matter of Time

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Time flew by so fast that Dumbledore was a wee bit surprised that how it was three and half years back when Harry had come to Hogwarts, did great things that were meant to happen and even qualified the first two tasks of the Triwizard Tournament.

Yes, the Triwizard Tournament- this had taken a lot of his time and all strange things had begun to happen. Bertha Jorkins had all of a sudden disappeared; he couldn't help but connect the dots and somewhere knew what was going to happen. However he had other tasks to take care of. He had had informed Minerva to take over his duties for a couple of months before the final task of the Tournament.

"Is something worrying you Albus...?" asked Minerva ".... because I can't see why you need to leave every now and then especially when we are hosting this tournament."

To this Dumbledore replied " I'm good Minerva, thank you......just a little overwhelmed.."

"May I ask why ?"

"That I will tell when the right time comes, until then I believe you'll do well since it's not the first time I'm leaving my job to you."

Professor McGonagall snorted.
"Good day Minerva" said Dumbledore and left with Fawkes.


Somewhere very far away from Hogwarts, Svadhina had just come back from her extra classes to her room.
" Damn...I cannot see why they cannot complete the syllabus within the time frame." exclaimed Svadhina as she dumped her bag on the table heavily.

It was pretty hot in India by now and Svadhina was already perspiring wet. She badly needed a smoothie but there was none to make it for her. At times like these she dearly missed her parents. Although they weren't far away ; just 200 km away from her University but still.......

She'll take that luxury when she'll get back home in June when her semester break will commence. So she got up from her settee and dragged herself upto the kitchen.

" Ah... cucumbers.." she sighed. She loved cucumbers and citrus and decided to make a smoothie out of them.

When she started her mixer grinder, she noticed how the sound startled a couple of birds perched on her window sill. However, one of them sat unaffected and it looked at her as if it was staring straight into her soul. She remembered that it was same bird she noticed last month.

" You're some really strange bird, aren't you...?" ".... haven't seem to notice this specie here..and unlike others you aren't afraid either." she said a bit loudly to herself as she reached for the bird.

The bird was beautiful indeed. It was the size of a raven but pale white. It had strokes of purple near its wings and tail. It was the eyes that captivated her- piercing blue and wait did they just twinkled....maybe it's the sunlight.

She offered it a goblet of water and said " Here drink this....don't want you to get dehydrated these days, do we ?" The bird emptied the goblet and flew away.

Days passed away so soon that Svadhina didn't realise how fast June was coming by and with it the contentment to be  going back home and getting a break from the exhausting academic year she had.

It was the 30th of May and Svadhina was all set to leave. She took a bus and left for her home.

***At the Haimi's residence***

The doorbell had rung and Mr Haimi rushed to the door.
" Easy there papa, you don't need to hurry." She chuckled as she entered her home.

"Couldn't let you wait there for long's too hot you see."
" It's getting worse every year papa...anyways where's Maa..?"

"Cooking meals for you ofcourse....Ah there darling you need to get some muscle."

Mr Haimi was a scientist by profession and her mother was a school teacher and a successful homemaker. So it was obvious for Svadhina to be highly academic. However, her mother always encouraged her to take care of other things (makeover and sports) and so one wouldn't be shocked to see outfits as clothing, branded makeup, shoes and gym accessories in her room. She always cared to balance out everything.

"Your food is what I've been craving for Maa." she said as she hugged her mother. Mrs Haimi was a petite woman whose features Svadhina took graciously. But her hair was still a mystery for her mother always claimed to never be able to grow her hair beyond her shoulders.

"Get freshen up honey...let's get some lunch into your tummy."
"Alright Maa, I'll just be right back."

Svadhina ran upstairs to her room, dumped her bag on her bed and ran into the bathroom for a quick shower.  After drying herself she just realised her hair had grown 5 inches longer that it went past her knees. It now required even more care but she loved her hair nonetheless.

" Are you done sweetie ?"
" Coming papa.." and she went downstairs for lunch.


Time skip....
A bright stroke of light and the door blasted to pieces. Barty Crouch Jr lay stunned on the ground. There stood Dumbledore with Snape and McGonagall behind him surprised to see the man lying on the floor.

Harry looked as if he would be sick any moment.

"Barty Crouch" whispered Snape.
Harry was sent to the infirmary and Crouch to Azkaban. Dumbledore addressed the seriousness of the situation and the underlying dangers.

"Unity is of utmost importance now than ever." said Dumbledore with seriousness in his voice as he eyed Sirius and Snape knowingly.

" know what to do" announced Dumbledore. Snape nodded and left.

"Arthur and Molly, I think that's all you should shall leave as well."

"Indeed Headmaster" said Mrs Weasley and left with her husband after wishing her children. Dumbledore eyed Minerva as he left the infirmary leaving Harry to Madam Pompfrey.

Snape was just heading out of the main doors when Dumbledore called him out.
"Severus....a word please."
"Yes Headmaster"

"Meet me after you return Severus, I've informed Minerva to join us too."

"Sure Headmaster...but now I must leave."
" Yes, you safe Severus."

Snape looked at Dumbledore for a moment; his eyes conveying something only for Dumbledore to understand and left with his characteristic swirl of cloak.

"Where is Severus going Albus ?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"Wherever he is going and whatever he is doing we owe him a great deal, Minerva."

" Notify me when he returns....will you Albus?"
He nodded and kept gazing the dark sky once more.
McGonagall looked disappointed but left for her chambers.

This one is done.....Do you think Professor McGonagall knew of Dumbledore's plot ? I think not but we cannot deny she felt things going on around her......

Let's see what happens in the forthcoming meeting of our Legend Trio

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