A Week with Him- 1

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Snape watched Svadhina going up the stairs to his living room, leaving him lying there.

"Haimi, at least pass me the healing potion from the shelf." he called out.

"Uhh...Oh yeahh...sorry about that."

She retreated back to the lab and brought him two vials of healing potion and some dittany.

"I thought you could move. But since you can't, I'll lend you my hand. Now, show your legs ...sir." she asked as she sat down to his level.

"That's it, I can help myself with this." He murmured.

Svadhina simply grabbed his left leg down and scrunched his pants up to reveal deep cuts slashed on them. The fire had seared deep into his skin causing it to bleed. She started by cleaning the blood and scrapes of burnt fabric that were stuck to his wound. Then she took some dittany on her fingers and spread it evenly on the cut.

Snape groaned at the burning the dittany brought but God forgive her, Svadhina felt absurdly good to hear his grunts. She cleared her throat and continued to wrap the bandage around his legs.

"Hmm, give your hand to me." she said looking at him.

"Pardon me ?" Snape asked in confusion as a look of error 405 displayed on his visage.

"Your hand is bleeding too."

Snape looked at his right hand. It was not a fresh wound and now he remembered getting his hand cut from the girl's wand when he grasped it away from her upstairs.

"From the looks of you, you look pretty sucked up, professor."

Snape huffed and said " Speak for yourself first, woman."

"At least, I saved our asses being burnt out."

" Wiser."

After giving him the necessary first aid, Svadhina got up and went to the bathroom to wash herself off the ash and dust. But before that she went to Avon, her barn owl which Snape had bought her at Diagon Alley. She was perched on the kitchen window. Svadhina needed to send a word to Mcgonagall about her stay at Spinner's End. She tied the letter and Avon flew away gracefully. When she turned around she found Snape standing at the kitchen door.

"When did she come?" he asked

"Avon is always aware of my whereabouts just in case I happen to need her."

Snape nodded and walked to the fridge to get some vegetables, eggs and bread.

" Go wash yourself, Haimi. Meanwhile I'll get some lunch ready."

"Alright. Umm professor....?"
Snape didn't say anything and kept washing the vegetables in the sink, so she continued anyway.

"Can I...umm...get your shirt or something. I mean until Prof Mcgonagall sends me some clothes ?"

He looked back at her from his shoulder.

"I promise I won't roam around like some beloved in her man's shirt." she quickly added to support her request. She really needed clean clothes to wear.

"And how would you do that ?" Snape asked.

"I'll transfigure it. I'm quite good at that."

"You may." he said taking her partially by surprise and partially in relief.

He verbally guided her where to look for the shirt and went back to his cooking. He was relieved to find some food to prepare in his kitchen. He would usually leave the kitchen items unstocked for he always stayed away from his home. The Hogwarts elves made him wholesome meals but being back as a double agent required him to stay and operate from his home and now a young girl living with him was an added responsibility. It was meant to be a punishment for the girl but it didn't seem like it. The girl was way too comfortable as if it was her own home.

He put the vegetable soup to simmer and now the eggs were left to be scrambled.

"How much bread will you have ?" Snape heard.

"You're...." he saw Svadhina at the dining table taking out bread from the packet on a plate. As said, she had transfigured his shirt into a night dress up to her ankles.

"You're done I see."
" What..? Oh. Yes, unlike some girls I don't sing my time away in the shower."
" Four will do it for you ?" She asked.

"Yes that'll be fine with me."

She came to stand beside him and set the pan on the vacant burner. She oiled the pan and placed the bread to toast.

"The toaster is in working condition in case you didn't know."

" I'm aware of that. Your kitchen was the very first thing I checked when you ordered me to stay here for a week. Besides, mother says pan toasted bread tastes better."

She set the plates and served the soup and bread on the table while Snape brought the eggs.

"We need to visit the grocery store to restock the kitchen."

" I don't think so, we have enough bread and eggs for the two of us."

" You're deluded sir if you think I'll stay here a week on bread and eggs alone."

They sat and started having their lunch.

" You'll get the food wasted away, Haimi."
" Besides, in two weeks you have your exams and on the 1st you'll be leaving for Hogwarts."

"Oh don't you worry about the food. And as a matter of fact, you'll thank me someday when some emergency Order meeting is done."

"Order ?" "What do you know about that ?"

"Oh common professor, you didn't really think that I'm oblivious to what's going on here lately. Mcgonagall told me everything about the terror of the Death Eaters and ..." she eyed him knowingly.

"The Dark Lord." Snape replied plainly.

"So much respect for a man like him." she said as she bit the piece of bread.

"We don't speak of his name."

" Who wants to... especially when that name twists the hell out of your tongue. I suggest calling him by his original name....Tom Riddle."

"Thanks for your suggestion, Miss Wiser. I'll keep that in mind." he said to her mockingly.

Svadhina rolled her eyes. Just then Avon flew in and sat on her shoulders. She had a letter tied to her.

"Hey girl, you're back." She untied the letter and gave her some owl feed.

She read the letter aloud.

Dear Svadhina,

I had received Severus's patronus about you staying at his place as a detention of sorts. And before I could arrange anything for you, Albus asked me for an important work at the Ministry of Magic. Kindly arrange something if you can. I apologise for the last minute information.

Ps: Don't make a habit of getting detentions from Severus. You'll lose your house many points at Hogwarts.

Minerva Mcgonagall

"Now we have to go out to the market." She said

"Ofcourse, Haimi. I can't see all my shirts getting transfigured into maxi dresses."

Snape looked flustered but not because of the idea of going out to the market to buy her clothes. A part of him deep within liked the way his shirt hugged the girl's beautiful body. Nothing a man can help. But it was Minerva's letter that got him. She just seemed to get into her newly found motherly self when it came to Haimi. She didn't even reprimand her for getting detentions. It felt much like a mockery of him and his ways of getting his students into discipline.

But now he had to be careful while taking her out with him. The girl herself was a danger and the prospect of her being with him called for the utmost attention.

Updated my work
I will upload quickly this time given that I'll be starting my internship soon and that'll not give me much time.

Keep bearing with me

Until next time.

To Love is to Die (Severus Snape×OC Indian)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें