How Interesting

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Now it was three in the afternoon and Svadhina was having lunch with McGonagall.

"A pretty exhausting day, Miss Haimi." McGonagall said as she offered her some pumpkin juice, but Svadhina scrunched her nose in distaste. The only thing she didn't relish was pumpkin juice. However, she tried hiding her distaste from the professor and charmed it to become water but she was caught.

"Thought you wouldn't be caught ?" The professor asked her to drink the juice saying that it had the nutrition she needed for the rest of the day.

McGonagall was indeed correct. Her next class was potions and Snape would do nothing to make the class any comfortable. McGonagall on the other hand eased her transfiguration schedule and took her classes whenever Svadhina was free and light headed given that she stayed with her all the time.

Svadhina later changed herself into teal coloured boot- cut pants with brown full sleeved shirt and brown summer boots. She felt that she should be covered as she will have to deal with potions of every kind. She then waited for McGonagall to come for side-long apparition. Unlike other professors, Snape had asked her to come to his place to complete the syllabus. She would be lying if she said she wasn't anxious for his class. He was undoubtedly an extremely knowledgeable man when it came to potions. Svadhina made sure to brush up her known knowledge of it as much as possible. But besides the fact that she was having some performance pressure there was something else she couldn't specifically point out. She was feeling excited about the prospect of seeing him as if she had been waiting for such moment. His image was crystal clear in her mind; his face, his hair, his nose, that crease in between his eyebrows that grew deeper when he was concentrating at something and especially his eyes, deep black eyes that would clearly reflect the person seeing into them. Svadhina herself was surprised to have noticed him so much.
She was brought out of her thoughts when she felt someone shaking her shoulder.

"Miss Haimi, come back. We've got to hurry." Svadhina couldn't even respond when McGonagall took hold of her hand and apparated to Spinner's End.

Spinner's End- far away from the city hustle and bustle; it looked downright gloomy. Svadhina thought this is how a dementor infested place would look like. Sunlight never seemed to brace this place; thanks to the pollution from the riverside factory.

"Never mind" she thought. She would just come to study and leave. Maybe like other men, Snape never really bothered to liven up his house as he resided here on a temporary basis. Like McGonagall he too mostly stayed at Hogwarts.

She walked to his door, rung the doorbell and stepped back. The door opened immediately but no one stood there. Svadhina turned back to Professor McGonagall who was ushering her to go in. So this is it- Snape doesn't receive people at his doorstep. She entered and the door snapped shut behind her. Svadhina felt the hairs behind her neck stand up in anticipation. It was dark but when her eyes slowly got accustomed to it she saw him and she felt a shiver run down her spine.

There he was, seated on his armchair, reading a Daily Prophet which he folded into half as he eyed her up and down for a few seconds before he kept it aside. For the very first time, Svadhina felt conscious of herself as onyx eyes scrutinized her person and then looked at her own pair of black eyes. He had a blank face all the time he kept looking at her. She realised she had no choice but to look him in the eye as well. So this is how he instilled fear in his students ? But why it made her feel different?

He smirked as he quirked his left brow up and asked her to follow him downstairs. She followed his quick strides and went downstairs as she tried to calm her racing heart. His eyes; she'll never forget those damned eyes ever in her life. They did something weird with her.

"So tell me Miss, did you care to read something beforehand or did you just decide to blatantly show up to me ?" He asked.

Being his student felt so different from what she had read. His real demeanor was really a dominating one. However, she stood straight and confident when she replied.

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