Healing Wounds

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It was 3 am when the Dark Lord finally allowed Snape to leave. He fell down on the stony pathway when he entered through the main gates of Hogwarts. It seemed as though he couldn't sense any part of his body. The Dark Lord had tortured him for hours as he recalled.

" I see Severus you've lost all the respect or shall I say the fear of your Master in the past year's."
" I wasn't gone for long....I had to come back...return to kill that scum of a child that filthy muggleborn had left."

Severus flinched at those words but didn't let it show on his face.
"Apologies My Lord.....but I couldn't let Dumbledore suspect me ."
"I've always been and will be your faithful servant" said Severus as he leaned down to kiss the hem of his master's robes.

"I refuse to believe so Severus......ah until you give me valid of the valid reasons."


That opened his eyes and winced at the pain. But someone had come for him....no was it Minerva beside him, helping him to his feet.

" My Merlin, Severus." panted Professor McGonagall.

She helped him get up on his feet but lost her own balance on the stony pathway but Snape got hold of her shoulders to steady her.

" Easy there Minerva, you don't want to lose your bones in helping me out."

"Lose my bones...... honestly Severus, I happen to carry entire Hogwarts on my shoulders...your weight won't hurt."
"Any ways what happened to you my boy, you need to go to Poppy...this instant."

"NO..not Poppy, I need to go to my quarters....I'll manage Minerva."

"No you won't, if not the infirmary then you'll stay at my quarters."
"You're in no condition to walk down the stairs to your lovely dungeons."

Snape knew he was fighting a losing battle and was drained out of energy to debate about this with her.

" Even if I agree, how will you know what specific potions do I need ?"
Professor McGonagall didn't listen but instead was on her way with him to her quarters. She waved her hand and a majestic door materialised before them.

They entered.
Professor McGonagall's quarters were indeed large enough to fit several Weasley families. Undoubtedly some advanced extension charms were placed.

Severus was lowering himself on the couch but Minerva tightened her grip on his forearm.

" Where are planning to take your long limbs if you're planning to sleep on my couch all night, Severus ?" said McGonagall as she rose an eyebrow in question.

Snape rolled his eyes.
" Don't worry yourself, thers is an extra bed for you to sleep, I don't want to leave you unattended."

She made him sit on the bed and rushed out of the room. He rested his head by the headboard. He was thankful that her quarters didn't harbour any annoying Gryffindor colours as that would play with his  mental sanity.

Professor McGonagall came back and handed him three vials of potions which he recognised instantly- Skelegrow ofcourse, Dreamless Sleep and one that minimised the after effects of the Cruciatus Curse...wait what!!

When Severus looked up he saw Minerva looking at him intently.

"Don't be surprised Severus...I'm wise enough to know what is paining you even though you hide it well....I happen to know you since you were a child, little maybe but still. I've seen you grow into a powerful wizard."

"And afterall everyone needs some motherly affection, isn't it ?"

He tipped the vial of anti-crucio potion in his mouth. He felt his constrained muscles relax.

" Gryffindors and Slytherins may have got their knickers in a twist, but I assure you these differences aren't beyond winning Quidditch or the House Cup."

Severus was stunned. He knew that Minerva cared but she too lead a hard exterior like him. So all he could do was nod his head.

"But the headmaster had wished to see us."

"Well you're in no condition to go up there to his office and sit for a discussion....for what I think is going to be an important one. I've sent my patronus to him, he has agreed to postpone it next morning after the students have left for their homes."

" No buts...you drink the potion, Severus Snape or I'll forcefully feed you."

She forced him to lay down and pulled the duvet upto his neck and left his rooms.

This one done too lovelies. A peek into Our Hero and Professor McGonagall relations. Sorry for the delay. The wedding season is in full flow in my family, so I'm a little invested in shopping and stuff. But no worries, I'll update it on a regular basis as much as possible.

Please share your thoughts on this, any suggestion or anything...Till then bye bye....

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