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Days went by and with them weeks of extremely rigid schedule of learning. July had passed and Svadhina's skills had escalated. She was now well versed with every kind of spells and charms- simple or complex. Every now and then her transfigurative abilities brushed up everytime she transfigured her clothes. McGonagall would ask her to re-establish anything that has worn out or completely change the look of her living room through transfiguration. In no time, she quickly completed her year one and two school course, every assignments and projects. McGonagall had told her to keep record of her work which will be scrutinized by a Ministry official.

The Herbology project; which was to grow a healthy bush of snapdragon was now matured and agressive, which reminded Svadhina of Snape, so she named her bush 'Snapey'.


Svadhina casted the freezing charm on the plant, so she could take some buds to prepare a restorative potion, Snape had asked of her.

"You've got to be more cooperative Snapey." Svadhina said with a chuckle.

She enjoyed every subject that was being taught to her. However, she realised that she had a knack for charms and potions. She was an absolute favourite of Professor Flitwick, according to whom she would be a great asset to Ravenclaw house, should she be sorted into it. The other professors too praised her and we're confident enough that she would easily score an 'Outstanding' in her OWLs. The Potions Master, however was an exception. Although, Svadhina was certain that he had bottled all of her brewed potions in his personal cabinet, but then he would never admit it. All he did was to snap at her every now and then. And when he would get nothing to pinpoint at her academically; he would come up with new restraints.

One evening after successfully brewing ten cauldrons of the antidote of swelling potion, when she was about to leave through the floo network; he called her out.

"Haimi, you do not come here for home dates with me, so I would suggest you to refrain from such clothing." He said as he looked straight into her eyes.

Svadhina frowned and looked down to see. She had worn flared pants (pants were her all time favourite) and a black fitted top with a square neckline. She stepped out of the fireplace and walked to stand infront of the armchair he was sitting on.

"You're saying it as though, I'm wearing something inappropriate. Professor."

She twirled around on her spot to show him her clothing while she continued..

"You must know these....." she pointed her legs "pants or slacks, whatever you call it....." she pointed at her chest with a smug expression on her face
" top...... completely covered. Exactly how a person should be dressed while brewing potions. Besides, I also happen to use a labcoat, a Muggle thing though for extra protection."

Snape looked baffled for a time being. Svadhina was somehow proud to bring it out of him. Not everytime will he have the control over someone. So to trigger him more, she confidently stepped closer to him.

"And as long as I don't show up in corsets and stockings, my clothing should go fine by you."

Snape's face went blank at her statement. Or he was hiding his surprise at the girl's brazen attitude.
Svadhina was closely observing him. She wouldn't deny that she felt attracted towards the professor's demeanor. However, she realised it had grown over the time she had spent with him. She could say she was disappointed at his comment. But then he must have noticed her to find the objection.

She was satisfied whatsoever to be ahead in this game for this time. Her last comment had changed Snape's body language. His eyes grew a darker shade of black as he fisted his left palm. He was looking at her as his anger was building up.

He stood up swiftly to corner her but Svadhina was quick, she rushed towards the fireplace; threw the floo powder and....

"Hagrid's Hut."

The only thing Snape heard was her saying " Better luck next time, Professor." The fire engulfed her quickly and she was gone. He sighed and dropped heavily on his couch. He raked his hand through his hair to calm himself.

If she only knew what strange things she's been doing to him ever since she met him. And her body clad with fitted clothes did no improvement. She was a problematic, annoying little minx that agitated him. But her talent, knowledge and a certain mystery that has constantly latched onto her, attracted him towards an unknown venture. Moreover, the importance Dumbledore gives to her, scares him.

Who is she?
Why did she have to come now?
Why is it troubling him above all ? All these questions lived in his mind rent free and only time could answer them.

Snape shook his head away from her thoughts. He went to his liquor cabinet to get a much needed shot of firewhisky to calm his senses the girl had lit up moments ago.

A quick short update guys...
University literally gets on the nerves at times....

More chapters will come up. This story is much about Svadhina's exploration of herself as much as her connection with things will go hand in hand.....

You can give your suggestions in the comment section.....

Until next time ..bye bye

To Love is to Die (Severus Snape×OC Indian)Where stories live. Discover now