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30th July

"What do you say dear, I suppose we should get our tickets too and drop her safely ?" asked Mrs Haimi to her husband.

"No maa, I'm absolutely alright and perfectly capable to go on my own. Besides, the professors are there for me. I'm certain that they'll protect me."

"I know dear...but.." Mrs Haimi hesitated as she took the round about exit towards the airport.

"Svadhina dear, you're going to tread on a dangerous path." her mother added.

"Whatever do you mean, Maa?" she asked but knew what was going to come.

"Honestly, do you really think we know nothing. We do read those books of yours. And it all looks good and fancy till it's on the page. Now that everything is real; that crazy wizard with bloodlust on loose. God what was his name?" asked Mr Haimi to her.

"Tom Riddle." stated Svadhina.
"Yes, but I'm referring to the name he has "fashioned" for himself."

"Voldemort." This time both of her parents looked at her with genuine worry on their faces (her mother looking at her from the rear-view mirror as she drove the car).

"Listen Svadhina, we're coming with you if not now then very soon. We'll move in if possible, but we're not leaving you all by yourself."

"No, you don't understand. If you truly wish me well then you must stay in India. Tom Riddle is pretty close minded. In all the fiasco involved with Harry, he'll not pay attention to a witch coming from India now." said Svadhina

"And papa, if you've read those books well, then you must see how the kids have fought for themselves. Look at Harry, he must be brilliant. I'll too become like him if trained well."

"But dear.." interrupted her mother.

"No, your more safe in India than in London. I'm aware these aren't good times but your safety is actually in my hands, maa and papa. Things are different here, so I insist. Besides, not even a pin can prick me while I'm at Hogwarts with Dumbledore." she added.

They had reached the airport and her parents were helping with her luggage. Her father gave her a pleading look.

"Papa pleasee, everything will be good. I'll owl you as soon as I reach, okay."

"Alright dear, our blessings are always with you. Stay brave but mostly be wise." Mrs Haimi eyes shone as she bid goodbye to her only daughter.

Svadhina got all the formalities done and boarded her flight. It was a long eight hour journey and she slept the entire time just waking up to eat food offered by the flight attendant.

She landed by 1 pm in the afternoon, got her two trolleys which were black just like her clothes and went outside to look for any hint of her professors.
She found them before she exited. She could clearly see a man dressed in all formals (black) with open hair that flew with the wind. He held a tabby cat in his arms.

Svadhina chuckled mentally as she recognised them as Professor Snape with Professor McGonagall in his arms.

Snape's eyes were wandering everywhere like frenzy, combined with constant eye rolling as he was finding his job to look for Miss Haimi in the herd of Muggles really tedious. The black sunglasses he wore hid his irritation well but as soon as he saw a girl ( no....she had a womanly aspect to her body) walking towards him with a slight flare to her hips, his hand unintentionally pushed his glasses down to the hook of his nose.

She was dressed in black flare pants with a formal black shirt tucked in. A tuede coat hung lightly on her shoulders. Her long, black hair flew backwards as she walked towards him.

 Her long, black hair flew backwards as she walked towards him

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(Not exact but very close to how Svadhina was dressed. Instead of sneakers she wore black summer boots. No handbag just the black trolley but two in number.)

"Good afternoon Professors ."

"Miss Haimi."
" That's quite a luggage, Miss." said Snape as he eyed the two black trolleys. In a second, he stepped towards her and bent slightly to her side. He was so close that she felt as though he is about to whisper something in her ears but he bent a little more to touch the handle of her trolley. He kept going down all the while looking into her eyes. Svadhina couldn't handle the gaze and looked to her side to find the trolleys shrinking. Snape quickly fell half on his knees and shrunk the trolleys to fit the size of his palm. He was so quick that people around didn't notice.

"Wandless magic ?" she asked.

He stood up with a smirk on his face and this time bent to speak in her ear.

"Yes, Miss. It so happens that my hands are capable of doing quite many things." He said in a low voice but she could hear him crystal clear. He straightened himself to look her in the eye and continued " for instance blasting of your extra luggage."

Svadhina felt the hairs at the nape of her neck stand up which had nothing to do with fear but she maintained his eye contact and stepped awfully close to him and stood on her toes (for he was soo tall) to reciprocate to his words

"Well you're my teacher, so with all due respect sir, if you happen to destroy my things; I assure you I'll not sit quiet and watch you do that."

With that she stepped away to maintain the professional distance. Professor McGonagall was all forgotten between their exchange of words. She meowed loudly to announce her presence. Snape gave her a look which meant to follow him and started walking towards a lonely, dingy alleyway really fast and she had to run to keep up with him. Probably, that was his way to tell her whose the boss here.

"Quick Miss Haimi, I don't have much time."

Svadhina reached the alleyway all panting and perspiring, so she reached out for the nearest thing for support which happened to be Professor's hand.
Snape got rigid as he felt something warm in his hand. He looked behind to see Miss Haimi leaning on him and panting. Her frame was so small compared to him; she was around 5 feet he remembered. When she noticed him staring at her, she quickly retreated her hands.

"My apologies, Professor."

"Keep hold of them." he said and she looked up at him little surprised.

"We need to apparate to Diagon Alley." he replied.

She straightened herself while holding his hand. His hand was slightly calloused but felt strong.

"Ready." he asked her.
"Yes sir."
And so she was pulled in a tunnel under extreme pressure where she felt as if her blood vessels would rupture any second. It was equivalent to what astronauts experienced if they entered a black hole. Then she felt her body slowly returning to its normal state. Her head was spinning so leaned on her Professor's chest and kept her eyes closed.
Very slowly she opened her eyes and separated from him when she remembered that she was practically hugging him.

"Comfortable, are we ?" asked Snape with a bored look on his face.

She nodded and looked around her. She was standing in Diagon Alley.

Plz read and review 🥺
I'm waiting for your comments. It really helps me to go on. University has started with loads of assignment but I'll keep updating. Till then enjoy and take care...

Bye bye...

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