Heya Hagrid !

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Hagrid was outside in his garden, tending to the school cabbages when suddenly he heard a loud crash come from his hut.

He threw the garden gnome far away and rushed inside.

On his wooden floor, he saw a young girl covered with dust and soot, laughing in hysterics as Fang licked away the soot from her neck and face.

"Svadhina.....yer alright ?"

"Hey Hagrid......oh Fang.. laughs.. stop it now, I'm all clean."

She pulled out a cream biscuit from her bag and stuffed it in Fang's mouth.

"Hmm, I should bring these more often." She said as the boar hound ate away all the biscuits.

"Yer alright ?" asked Hagrid

"Yes...well I left in a rush from Snape's place and stumbled on my way out."

"Oh I see. Did ye have a bad day with potions."

"Umm not a bad day.... it was quite fun especially when you get on his nerves."

"You've got guts to get on his nerves."

"Trust me Hagrid, I don't even have to do anything. My very presence is enough to get him."

"Anyways......what do we have today?"

"Oh yea." replied Hagrid " I've got quite a couple of them."

"I suppose you said we're done with flobberworms." asked Svadhina anxiously.

"Hate 'em, dont ya ?"

"Kind of, well they're the bigger versions of muggle caterpillars and scare the soul out of me ."

Hagrid laughed at this which made her pout her lips but she didn't take it personally. For her, he was a good friend and a great teacher.

"I see....its not them, so don't ya worry."

"Today, we'll see some Bowtruckles."
Hagrid said as he walked out if his hut.

Svadhina came out and shut the door and followed him. He was walking down towards the Great Lake.

"Err Hagrid, are we not going to the forest." She asked as she sat down on the boat Hagrid had pulled out of the water.

"No.... we'll go there" he pointed to a small island where stood a Wiggen Tree.

"Interesting.....wait. Let me try that."
she interrupted him as he about to charm the boat to sail across faster. She had read about it in the first book and how he had disclosed about his wand to Harry.

"Never skipping an opportunity to learn....do you Svadhina ?"

"That will only help me Hagrid." she said and tapped the wand on the boat. In split of a second, the boat glided towards the island and they were there.

"Woah, that was fast."

"It isn't usually that fast but that wand of yours.....Merlin its something else completely."

Svadhina stepped out of the boat, trying to forget what Hagrid had said at all.

"Well Svadhina..." Hagrid said as he joined his hands and clasped his fingers excitedly "you've read about them before, lets see if you can find them. Here... take these fairy eggs, they'll help."

She took the eggs which were carefully wrapped in leaves and walked around the tree to search for a Bowtruckle. It was difficult to look for them; they were tiny, slender tree dwelling creatures that camouflaged well with every branch or twig of the tree. However, her eyes caught a slight movement near an overhanging branch. She was about to ignore it for wind but it turned out to be a Bowtruckle stuck in a climber.

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