Mystery. Beauty. Brains

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He was lying on a damp wooden floor in a dark place; the mouldy smell of the room penetrated through his sensitive olfactory organ. His frock coat was soaking wet and when he tried to lift his upper body, his elbows gave away.

BLOOD...BLOOD was all he could see from his weakened minimal vision. He was lying in his own blood seeping from the slit veins of his wrist. A pair of marble white feet covered with faded black robes stood infront him and a huge python like snake floating in a giant orb behind.

"My Lord" he croaked but only fresh, warm blood spat out of his mouth. The orb of the snake was growing larger every minute. Either him or the orb was approaching nearer and nearer and suddenly the long , venom dripping, sharp fangs of the snake struck at him sinking deep into him.

The eyes shot open with fright and anxiousness. Snape found himself lying on the corridor infront of his bedroom.

"It was a dream... Merlin. What am I doing Haimi...where is she ?"

He stood up but was heavily overcome by nausea; the stairs below him started to blur and he had to take the support of the wall nearby. He felt drowsy and light headed.

" What on earth....." he thought to himself. The only thing he remembered is that he and Haimi had a row and the girl had thrown some deliciously angsty words at him while her hair was showing those crazy symptoms he had seen back at the wand shop. And now he couldn't make up how he ended at the corridor right from the bottom of the staircase. The tempus charm he casted showed that it was three in the afternoon.

He was out for three hours and the girl didn't even bother to notice.
"Well why would she ?.... Afterall the lesson was given for she was noticing me way more than necessary" he reminded himself.

"Well speaking of the she so engrossed in brewing that she had no idea of me at all ?"

Now that he felt better, he washed his face with water and went down to the lab to check on the girl. There he saw her and the view that met before his eyes made him do a double take. It looked familiar yet different. There was peace and calm; two huge cauldrons were placed on simmered flame and from the bluish hue above them indicated that she was brewing Wolfsbane. On the table placed adjacent to the cauldrons, she was sitting on a tall stool with her head laid down; her long hair which was braided back then was now open, touching the floor and a few strands blew with every breath of hers.

Not even Albus would believe that this was the same girl who was throwing streaks of lightning from her head a moment ago. She must have thought to take a nap while the potion needed 2 hours constant simmer before adding hellebore for final maturation.

"Silly silly girl...." he murmured to himself. Snape stepped down to enter the doorway, but as soon as he touched the floor, bright searing white flames erupted at the doorway, blocking his path.

The noise and the light brought Svadhina back from her sleep. She was frightened to see flames at the doorway and behind them a furious Snape she was quite used to these days.

"SNAPE....IS THAT YOU ?" she shouted


"WHAT...I don't know what's happening..."

"Well so that you know, YOU'RE ATTEMPTING TO BRING MY HOUSE DOWN TO ASHES...." he reasoned

"NO WAY.....Why would I....I'M NOT DOING THIS..... STOP IT SIR." she revolted back.

She had no idea how the fire erupted out if the blue, she was sleeping peacefully so that when her alarm rings, she would bring the cauldrons down the flames. But now the doorway of Snape's laboratory was set ablaze and she had no clue how to finish it.

To Love is to Die (Severus Snape×OC Indian)Where stories live. Discover now