The Beginning

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When Svadhina stepped out of the wand shop, she realised that her body was not same at all. She's been feeling strange right from the very moment she step foot into Diagon Alley. She remembered a tingling sensation in her chest that slowly graduated to every part of her body. And her experiences at the Ollivander's was still too raw to process, such that she was anxious to hold her new wand. Who knows whom she may kill the moment she gets hold of her wand. She decided to put it back in the blue bundle.

"Miss Haimi, if you are quite done with your mental evaluation, I suggest we should move to the apparition point because I unlike you happen to be occupied with other works as well."

Svadhina looked up to him and said.
"Did you read my mind, how come you know that I was doing some 'mental evaluation' ?"

"You Haimi will be my student, and I as a professor am fully capable to read their idiotic facial expressions."

Did he just say that she looked like an idiot.

"Yes I did."

Svadhina was getting agitated with his behaviour. Why does he have to be snappy all the time.

" Well I didn't know your were a face reader. But if you're so good at this, then you can surely see that I'm not feeling well."

"Hmm, feeling weak already ? And you've not spent even a day here. Tch tch what a shame."

She heavily stepped towards him and raised her chin to speak.

"I'm not weak."....."Sir" she added when he looked down at her as he raised his left brow.

"Convince me otherwise, Miss." He said with a smirk.

His words were testing her patience but she did her best to not spit out her anger on him. She'd been taught well afterall. But her head felt heavy to hold it straight. She didn't know when she drooped on his chest as she closed her eyes.

She felt a stiff hand come across her waist to hold her and then her knees gave away as she blacked out completely.

Moments later when she opened her eyes she found herself sitting on one of the benches outside a shop which seemed to be an ice-cream parlour. Her nose sensed fruity smells alongside a strange fragrance of herbs and cinnamon which wafted deep through her senses. She found her cheek was rested on a rough, woolen fabric and blushed so hard when she realised she had been resting her head on Snape's lap. She quickly got up and straightened herself as she sat as far as she could from him on the long bench.

She hid her face in her long black hair when she felt his eyes on her. Professor McGonagall who sat across them on a chair, quickly stood up and went to her. She grabbed her hair and folded it into a loose bun and secured it. Svadhina instantly felt better and doubted since when her hair was too heavy to keep open.

"How are you feeling now, Miss Haimi ? You collapsed infront of Ollivander's."

"Much better professor, I wasn't feeling well that time. But strangely I don't know why my head felt so heavy."

McGonagall's face showed fear and concern but she quickly hid them when she saw Svadhina looking at her with keen interest.

"It's nothing to worry about. You probably are tired, traveling empty stomach." she said when she heard a low growl from her tummy.

"Take this." said Snape all of a sudden. She turned to him a found him holding out to her a cone of vanilla ice cream with nuts. He had that similar bored expression adorned on his face.
That made her blush even more and was annoyed that her hair was all up. She could feel him smirk at her.

She took the icecream and thanked him.

"Svadhina..." Said McGonagall
"Yes professor."

"Now listen very carefully. I need you to know this that two months from now, you'll be residing with me. Albus has spoken to the Ministry about your case. They thought it to be far-fetched but everything that has happened today will provide enough stand for you."

She looked down as she remembered what she had done a couple of minutes ago.

"You're aware that you are terribly lagging behind with the syllabus: four years of magical education will have to be forced to you in a small time period. After a week when you'll reach Hogwarts, a ministry official will examine your knowledge and skills. If you pass, you will be allowed to sit for your OWLs. Will you be able to handle such pressure?"

"I will do my best professor."she replied confidently.

"I understand it's a bit too much of work but we will always be there to help you out. The professors will tutor you in my home. You know the subjects and so the respective teachers. An hour visit to the Forbidden Forest with Professor Hagrid will be necessary for practicals of Care of Magical Creatures. As for potions..." McGonagall looked at Snape ".... Professor Snape will not come to you as according to him I don't have access to a proper lab."

"And henceforth, you'll come to my place every evening at 5." added Snape.

Svadhina just nodded. She didn't feel she could look at him after she proved him right much to her annoyance.

"Well Haimi ?" Asked Snape

"Yes sir."

"Uhm Professor McGonagall, I'll not be staying in the castle with you ?"

"No ...I only stay at Hogwarts during winter break. For summers, I reside at my place in Hogsmeade village as there are no students to look after."

"Ohh, still it's good as long as I get to learn from you."

McGonagall smiled and patted her head softly. Snape felt like a third wheel for no reason. He noticed Minerva's affection for the girl since she first met her. He was sure that even Potter didn't receive such affection from her. Surely Minerva would be delighted if Haimi ends up in Gryffindor.

He cleared his throat to bring their attention to him.

"Minerva if think I should leave. And you Miss, don't be late and be prepared for first potions class." He said as he looked her in the eye so as to challenge her. Then he turned away swiftly with a swirl of his cloak and apparated with a pop.

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