Diagon Alley

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The tabby cat in Snape's hand meowed loudly and jumped. Then there stood Professor McGonagall in her tartan robes.

"Alright then, Miss Haimi. Let's get your school supplies, shall we ? she said.

Svadhina nodded and followed her professors.

"We will buy your fifth year books, uniform, wand, a pet, and potions supply. But first we shall go to Gringott's to exchange currencies."

Mr and Mrs Haimi had given her a lot of wealth for when the goblin converted the amount he said " 30,000 galleons, 1500 sickles and 900 knuts. You will need an entire vault."

The goblin retreated from his seat with an ancient key in his hand. "Follow me." And hence the three of them went down the depths of the bank to her vault.

"Vault no. 513" said the goblin as he slid the key into the cracks that concealed the vault. The walls shook as they dissolved into nothingness. The converted currency was untidely arranged in piles of galleons, sickles and knuts.

"Carry 110 galleons with you Miss Haimi. They'll be more than enough for your entire year." said Professor McGonagall as she handed her a transfigured bag.

Svadhina entered her vault carefully and bent to pick 110 galleons for her. When she came out, the goblin concealed her vault again and handed the key to her.

"Keep it under care, you'll need to present me this key whenever in need of withdrawal."

She took the key from him and said "Sure sir, thank you so much." The goblin stood still and looked up at her expectantly. Normally, wizard kind never treated them or any species contrary to them with respect but this girl was different.

"Shall we take a leave ?" drawled Snape.
They exited the bank.

"I think Minerva we should split up, I'll go and buy Miss her books, potions supply and her pet, while you handle with the dress robes."

"Yes Severus, that will save much of our time."

"We will meet at the Ollivander's to get her wand."

"Sure Severus." With that Professor Snape strode towards the other side of the alley and Svadhina and McGonagall entered the Madam Malkin's.

"Oh Minerva, long time no see." said a beaming Madam Malkin ".....and who does this young lady happen to be ?"

"Indeed it's been a long time. She is a new student at Hogwarts. We need her school robes."

"Oh ofcourse. Come here dear, I'll give you the perfect fit." she said as she guided Svadhina to stand on a platform.

Madam Malkin almost took twenty minutes to measure her and fit the robes to her size while all the time she kept complementing her about her well maintained body.

"Well I visit the gym daily soo..." reasoned Svadhina but Madam Malkin looked bewildered so changed the track. "....Oh I mean physical exertion, Ma'am."

"Oh yes ofcourse dear, only child, I see. Must have to do loads of work."

After she got her newly fitted uniform both Svadhina and McGonagall bid goodbye to the owner and left for the Ollivander's.

"Visit soon dear, I would love to see you in my dresses.".......

Professor Snape stood infront of the wand shop with his hands in the pockets of his frock coat. He must have shrunk her items, thought Svadhina. But on his left shoulder perched a beautiful barn owl with its head inside the wings.

"Have you bought them Severus ?" asked McGonagall.

"Yes Minerva, we just need her wand now."
"And Miss, this is your owl. Given that it's useful...." He gently stroked the head of the owl out of its wings.
"She'll most probably sit on your shoulder as you may see, I've been quite unsuccessful to put her into the cage."

The owl pecked Snape's ear and flew to sit on Svadhina's shoulder. It gave her a similar peck too.

"Blasted bird." murmured Snape as he rolled his eyes.

"Thank you sir. I appreciate the thought you put." she said with genuine sincerety. As a student, Svadhina would give everything to get teachers like him and McGonagall. But then Snape had to bring her out of her perception.

"Don't flatter yourself Miss, the pet shop is awaiting it's new stock. She seemed to be the only one left for you."

His comment hurt and she didn't know why, so an "Oh alright" was all she could manage and entered the wand shop with them behind her.

Updated dear ones....I know it's short but I cannot include the wand shop scenes for they are going to be long and dark ( first glimpse towards the character's strength 🤩).

So plz read and review in the comment section. I would love to see them.

Share this story if you like it. Until then happy reading...bye bye...

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