Her Comeuppance

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Out from the blazing flames, Svadhina stepped on the carpet in Snape's living room. Her hands were equipped with bags full of potion ingredients of every kind. All the professors had wrapped up their schedule including Snape, but he had some change of heart. When she asked him about the finished syllabus, he had smugly said..

"The fine arts of potion making has known no bounds, Haimi. Even I, a Potions Master never claim to be indefectible in it."

He had asked her to pick as unique items as she could which had potential in potion-making. All of this required her to research abundantly. She even had to visit Flourish and Blotts to buy books written by top potioneers around the world. Svadhina wondered if he had purposely set such a task for her because she was certain she would surpass every extent of pressure handling. Some of the ingredients were pretty infamous. For instance, she was asked to collect a bag full of viper skulls. She wondered what use would she put of it.

But no one was present in the living room and a slight stretch of her neck forward in the direction of the kitchen adjoining the living room told her about his absence there as well. If he was upstairs, she could hear the wooden floor creak. She was abruptly reminded of her conversation with Hagrid about Snape being a double agent. A slight fear pricked her at the thought of Snape's place being captured by Death Eaters.

She must look for it.

After carefully placing the bag on the floor, she bent down to pull out her boots and casted a sound proof charm on her feet and started to look for him. Afterall he was a double agent. What if Riddle came to know of this and has sent his men here. That didn't mean she doubted Snape's ability to defend himself but what if he was outnumbered.

She first went downstairs to check the lab, only to find it vacant. There was no sign of any disruption, everything was kept properly in its place.

"Homenum revelio" she whispered and pointed her wand everywhere and then lightly stepped up the stairs. Snape was a meticulous man as far as she understood him. If he were to be out, he would have definitely owled her or Mcgonagall. Upstairs, she found three doors, two on her left and one at the end of the corridor to her right. She carefully turned the knob of the first door which turned out to be his bathroom. No one was there, so she moved to the next room- a small bedroom with one single bed, an old wooden cupboard and a desk. The only room left was the one to her right and her wand has given her no sign of any human present.

She entered the room hoping to find him but much to her anxiousness he was not there. She walked to his bed and simultaneously pointed her wand with her back to the bed.

All of a sudden, the hooked arrow of her wand tip started to glow brightly. But before she could comprehend anything, someone grabbed her roughly from the mouth and threw her on the bed. A strong, callous hand took both of her slender wrists and pinned them above her head after grasping her wand. Svadhina realised she'd been trapped by a man but couldn't see who he was for her spectacles had fallen somewhere near the bed when he had pulled her. Besides, the room was dark owing to the closed windows with the curtains down. Her screams were rendered useless and they got muffled by the hand on her mouth. She tried to wriggle her way out below him, but the man pressed his knees on both sides of her waist to trap her completely. He cautiously reached for her neck and breathed in her ear.

"Still yourself now."
The voice sounded like a deep rumble and Svadhina's eyes widened at the realisation of only one man who sounded like this.

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