ii. VII

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A/N; Double upload hype!!! Haven't done this in a while, it's kind of exciting :3

So fun fact for all of you before we get into it - apparently there are actual plushies of Foo Foo Cuddlypoops the sabertooth moose lion cub. Personally, I have no issues whatsoever in letting you all know I'm probably going to get one for myself, if anyone wants to join xD

Sokka P.o.V.

"...this place, it's perfect, don't you think? Sokka?"

The teenager in question grumbled some choice words to himself as he glared over at Aang, having just been woken from his sleep.

"Oh, you're still sleeping, huh?" Aang laughed nervously as Sokka continued to glare at him. "Sorry."

Groaning slightly, Sokka rolled over to try and get more sleep, only for a massive blast to echo in his ears. Let me sleep, he silently begged, but the others didn't apparently get the memo. "Good morning, earthbending student!"

"Good morning, Sifu Toph!" Aang cheerily replied.

Katara's sleepy voice came next. "Hey, you never called me Sifu Katara."

"Well, if you think I should..." Aang wondered.

Sokka couldn't take this anymore, forcing himself to sit up as he grumbled at them yet again. "Sorry, snoozles," Toph smirked. "we'll do our earthbending as quietly as we can."

Thank goodness, Sokka thought in relief as he settled back in to sleep. Now, some peace and qui-

His thoughts were rudely interrupted as he was suddenly flown into the sky, screaming as he started to fall back down to the earth. When he eventually did, pain flared through his back, and he didn't have to force himself awake now - Toph had seen to that. Bunny hopping his way around in his sleeping bag, he growled nonsensical words to both Aang and Toph before hopping off to somewhere he could sleep in peace.

When eventually he did find a nice spot, he was surprised to see Azami already there, her legs dangling over a small ledge while she held a small blue flame in her palm. He tried to be as quiet as he could, but the firebender still heard him and looked over in surprise. "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were here," she muttered out quickly before getting up to leave.

He didn't get a long look, but the bags under her eyes were as pronounced as ever, along with her eyes being slightly bloodshot - clearly, she still wasn't getting proper sleep all these months later. Sighing, Sokka laid himself down in his sleeping bag, but he wasn't really able to fall back to sleep, guilt gnawing away at his gut.

So, after a few minutes, he instead decided to turn his attention to Aang's attempts at earthbending. Much to his delight, as soon as he propped himself up in a sitting position while still comfortably settled in his sleeping bag, Aang took his first shot ever at bending a large boulder - and proceeded to be sent flying backwards by the stubborn rock, sliding a solid twenty feet before slamming into Appa's leg.

"Rock beats airbender," Sokka laughed to himself, as no one else was close enough to hear.

Azami P.o.V.

So much for Aang's first attempt at earthbending.

As the airbender came staggering back slowly, Azami couldn't shake the feeling that he'd probably be stuck on this for a while. Working with his natural opposite was already hard enough, but honestly, he lacked more earthbender qualities than even the other airbenders she'd met before... well, before she went into that iceberg.

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