Drama, Drama, and more Drama

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~*~Selena’s View~*~


An entire week has passed, and I have hardly seen James during this entire week. It kind of sucks, but it is also alright at the same time because I have been needing to practice singing new songs and I still keep throwing up every once in a while.

James had said something before the other day of how Gustavo didn’t want him to date me anymore and blah, blah, blah, but he also mentioned something about the other guys siding with Gustavo, and he hasn’t been able to get out much.

Normally, I would believe him. But with him being as much of a player as I am, it’s kind of hard to believe that things in work are keeping him from visiting, or me visiting him. And yes, I get it that he needs his own time just like I do, but he’s been acting a bit weird about things lately.

At the moment, I was in the bathroom and just finishing up on rinsing my mouth out with mouth wash after throwing up once again, nothing really running through my head. As I was drying my face off from when water splashed it before, I looked up at the calendar.

“Huh….My Period is late this month.”


I thought to myself as I looked at it. It didn’t take me until I walked out to the living room for me to realize that my period was late. It never has been, so why would it be now?

I slumped down on the couch, and it suddenly came to me on remembering what James and I had done. I gulped, counting back the days to when the signs first started coming in, if I were to be pregnant. And…they were on a normal time.

“Shoot…” I said to myself and shot up to my feet, running to the bathroom and checking under the sink, but not seeing a pregnancy test. Really, Selena? Always, always, always be prepared, you dimwit!

Later that afternoon, I took the pregnancy test and left it sitting on the bathroom sink as I paced back and forth in the bathroom, all the possibilities running through my head.

I’m nearly eighteen, so if I am pregnant, I will be able to support it more than some immature sixteen year old couple would. Oh, what am I talking about couples for? There is no way in heck that James will be staying with me through this.

Or maybe he would, but I doubt it. With how many things have been happening to us so far, I know there isn’t a chance he would stick with me through this, too. Isn’t it bad enough we are technically sneaking our relationship as it is?

I just had to go and tell him doing that would let us see if we really care what others think of our relationship. And now look! I’m freaking pregnant…possibly.

I sigh and walked back over to the pregnancy test on the bathroom sink counter, wondering when the result would pop up. Right as that thought came to me, the result popped up with a little pink plus sign.

Instead of flipping out like I thought I would, I just said quietly to myself, “Looks like Karma is real after all.”

~~James’ View~~


“Guys, can I please just go and see Selena now?” I asked, tired of being pretty much trapped inside of the Crib like this. Anytime I get to see her, she is normally just walking through the lobby the same time I am. The last time I got to talk to her face to face was when she got signed at that new record company.

“No,” Kendall said to me, and I looked at him with a slight glare as he shrugged his shoulders. “Gustavo said you aren’t allowed to see her until the two of you break up.” He added simply, and I just rolled my eyes.

“What does it matter to you if I sneak around behind his back?” I questioned. This time, Logan stepped into the conversation.

“He said that if you keep dating her and wind up hurting her in the end, he’s going to end Big Time Rush and send us all back to Minnesota.”

“He’s said that plenty of times.” I said simply, crossing my arms as I looked at the other three members of Big Time Rush. It’s true, and we all know that it is. Therefore, this argument is completely pointless. But what does it matter? Nobody ever goes with my side of things, anyway.

“Yes,” Kendall started to say. “But this time he has the plane tickets for whenever he needs them, and he was drop dead serious.” I sighed, but this time in annoyance.

“This is completely ridiculous.” I said to myself and turned on my heel, walking off to my room again.

~*~Selena’s View~*~


The next Day


Okay, I know it has only been a day, but I have waited too long on telling James that he is going to be a father. It’s time to tell him, no matter what I think of it. I’m slightly afraid that he will leave me or something, but at the same time I don’t care if he does.

I just might care a little bit more than I should…

I sighed, walking into the lobby but stopping nearly dead right in my tracks. Well, yeah, I saw James but…who’s that girl he’s making out with, exactly?

I felt my hand clench up into a tight fist, but soon released it as tears came to my eyes, rolling down my cheeks as my heart just shattered completely. “J-James?” I choked out, and he slowly pulled back from the girl and looked at me, eyes suddenly going wide.

“Selena, I swear I can…” He started to say, and I just slowly shook my head and whipped around, running back up to my apartment.

Life is so full of drama….

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