Chapter 14 A Nightmare Or A Memory

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(Tony Stark's POV) me and Jack woke up this morning to call from fury and I'm so tired I just hand the phone to Jack and he says "hey fury what's up" and fury must have said something about Peter cause jack then says "is he ok" and now I look at him and he is listening very intensely to what fury is saying and then jack says "I'll come I've delt with it before" and then he says "see ya in a bit fury" then he hangs up and I say "what wrong with my son" and jack says "tony calm down peters ok he just woke up from a nightmare and is panicking I will rush over and help him out" and I say "but maybe I should go I've delt with that myself in the past" and now jack gets up and gets dressed and says "no tony you stay and get some more rest I've delt with it to in the past and I've helped Peter before if it's truly that bad I will call you" he then says "talk to you later babe" and gives me a kiss and then leaves

(Jack Sparrow's POV) after I left I rushed over to the shield med bay when I got in the room I saw peter with his knees curled to his chest rocking back and forth and fury and Bruce trying to calm him down so as I'm walking further in the room I say "hey it's ok son it was just a nightmare it can't hurt you" and Peter shakes his head and says "n no it isn't" and I say "what do you mean Pete" and he says "it was real papa it happened" and I know realize that he's talking about a flashback to when flash beat him up and now he makes grabby hands at me and I look at Bruce for approval and he nods so I hop in the bed next to Peter and put him in my lap and wrap him in a hug and rub his back while he sobs in my chest and all I can think is I'm gonna make that boy and anyone else who hurts my child burn on the metaphorical stake

(Tony Stark's POV) after Jack left I went down stairs to the kitchen to see Steve reading the paper drinking coffee and Natasha drinking coffee watching the news and now that Steve sees I'm here he gets up and pores me a cup coffee and and says "jack left in a hurry this morning what was that about" and I say fury called said peter had woke up from a nightmare and was having a panic attack and now Steve takes a drink of his coffee and says "poor kid just can't get a break can he" and I say no and unfortunately I think it's gonna be a long time till he can" and Steve takes another drink of his coffee and say "I feel bad I didn't notice I've known peter so well since he became part of the avenger family" and I say don't feel bad Steve I'm his dad and even I didn't notice so all we can do is try and help him get better, we both agreed and continued drinking our coffee and Steve went back to reading his paper and I went upstairs to get dressed

(Jack Sparrow's POV) it took about half a hour maybe longer of peter sobbing in my chest and me rubbing his back but I finally got Peter calmed down eventually he also fell asleep on me so I just continued laying in the bed with him but I texted Tony letting him know I got Peter calmed down and after that I told fury he was free to go and he did and told me to text him if anything changed and I said I would and then he left then I decided maybe it would be in my best interest if I also tried to get some sleep so I decided I would rest my eyes but within the next two minutes I fell asleep I awoke what I assume was a hour later to Peter crying again so I say what's wrong bud to which he replies with "it happened again papa"

(Tony Stark's POV) after I get done getting dressed I can smell Steve making breakfast so I went and got Harley and Morgan up when I got Harley up he immediately asked how peter is and I told him about this morning and how jack is there with him currently then he said he was gonna get dressed and come down for breakfast and as I'm leaving he says "I love you dad" and I say I love you too Harley so then  I make my way to Morgan's room and I tell her I love her and that breakfast is gonna be ready soon and she says "I love you too and ok daddy I'll be down soon" I then exit her room and head down to the kitchen to see Steve is making pancakes and I say "the kids are coming down soon" and he says "ok sounds good food will be ready soon" I then grab my coffee cup and sit at the table and wait for my kids the first to arrive is Harley then Morgan and then they sit down and then Natasha sits down and then Steve brings the food over and we all have breakfast together  and Morgan asks

(Jack sparrow's POV) the second peter said "it happened again papa" I new he meant the flash back so I pulled him to my chest in a hug while rubbing his back and boy was that a good decision because not even a minute later Peter started sobbing in my chest again and I said "it's ok son he's not gonna hurt you again" and Peter seemed to slightly calm down but he still sobbed in my chest for another 20 minutes I would say then eventually he stopped but he remained Hugging me and he says "I love you papa" and I say "I love you too Peter"

(Tony Stark's POV) where is peter and papa and I say "peter is with papa and uncle Bruce currently because he isn't feeling the greatest sweetie but they should both be home soon and she said "ok daddy I hope peter feels better soon I miss him and papa", I had expected Morgan to ask where they were but the last part made me smile she loved her big brothers so much and she loves Jack so much and I mean we all do but when it's coming from a five year old it was just so adorable and so cute even the baddest criminal in the worlds heart probably would have melted

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