Chapter 3 Lets Talk

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(Harley Stark's POV) i took my bare fists to my pop up punching bag after seeing the horrible comment flash posted on instagram
on instagram:
MJ. Happy Birthday You Guys
Ned. Happy Birthday Dudes
Wade. Happy Birthday Guys. hope you have a awesome day petey
Fan account. happy birthay to the genius billionare hot stark twins
Flash. happy birthday to the better of the twins harley i hope you have an awesome day and dont let disgusting peter ruin it for you
Liz. happy birthday to you two cuties
Betty. happy bithday you two i hope you have a great day
Brad. happy birthday to 2 of the coolest guys i know happy birthay you guys
the nerve he had to say i was the better of the twins and that peter is disgusting and i shouldnt let him ruin my day he knows hearing that or reading it would hurt peters feeling im sure that was his intent i wouldnt be suprised if peter is in the bathroom or his own room crying because of it and no one knows but when peter stays at neds its usually to hide the fact that flash beat him up

(Peter Stark's POV) i was sitting in the bathroom crying thinking about flash's comment thinking what if it was true what if everyone thinks harley is the better twin and what if i am disgusting and ruined harleys birthday and then the crying turned into a full on panic attack which i knew jarvis would notice and asked if he should call someone all i managed was to say har but jarvis knew and notified harley then a few minutes later the door opend and in came harley he told me to take deep breathes and asked me what was wrong and i said i- is i- it tr- true he looked at me and said is what true and then jarvis piped up and said he was asking if it was true if everyone thinks your the better twin and he said no and then jarvis also told him i was wondering if i ruined his birthday because i am disgusting and harley says no and then grabs my shaking hands and says peter look at me then i look up at him

(Harley Stark's POV) then i said peter nothing flash said is true and you shouldnt let what he says get to you because that gives him power i know hes been rotten to you since the day you guys met but the more you let him get to you the more powerful he is if you let him know it doesnt bother you he will have less power and eventully stop, im not gonna tell dad or antie tasha or uncle steve but i am gonna tell someone because peter there might be more ways to help and you potentially wouldnt have to stay at neds as much because i think its making the grown ups suspicious he looks at me sad and says who are you gonna tell and i say bruce because i feel like he could help you with this i know he helped dad with it in the past peter so i feel like he could truly help you with the panic attacks at least promise me you will give it a try

(Peter Stark's POV) so i told him i would try and after i calmed down we went back out me and harley told dad we were going out but would be back soon and he said it was ok so we asked happy to take us to shield which he was against at first then he heard our reasoning and agreed it was a good idea and said he wouldnt mention it to dad unless he mentioned it to him first which was one of the reasons we loved happy being our driver because we know we can trust him when we got there happy said he would wait for us around the corner when we got in we happened to see grandma H so we told her we were there to see uncle bruce we dont get to see him super often because hes so busy with work

(Harley Stark's POV) grandma H led us to his private office where he is when hes not needed in the lab or medbay he was happy to see us and then he asked what brought us there and i looked at peter and said do you want me to tell him or do you wanna do it and he looked at me and said can you please do it Harley and I said yes so I looked at uncle Bruce and he looked at me with a worried expression and I told him how Peter had this bully who does it at school and online and today it caused him to have a panic attack and that we thought he could help he visibly relax some after that and said he would give it a try

(Bruce Banner's POV) i at first wanted to call tony and ask him some things but then i figured if he wasnt here that means he probubly doesnt know i love my nephews and i know tony likes to be informed on there health and if there are problems he would want to know but i understand that his son being bullied would probubly make tony and the others go after the kid so i asked peter how often does he struggle with panic attacks and he said sometimes a few times a week which useually means 3 or more times and that is quite a bit i am gonna try and help him the best i can because if need be i can find diffrent solutions to try i had told them the plan and told peter he was gonna have to start coming here and talk to me regularly about things that panic him because i think it will help some then when they were leaving i asked harley if he could stay because i wanted to talk to him

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