Chapter 4 Try

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(Harley Strak's POV) sure uncle bruce whats up and he said i know today was about helping your brother but harley i still think it would be good if you came and talked to me about when things make you frustrated i looked at him and said i'll think about it uncle bruce but can we for now focus on peter we can talk about this at a later date and he said sure then we left his office and said goodbye to grandma H and then we went outside and got in the car happy was driving, he asked how it went and we said good he didn't pry for details and he wished us good luck when we got back home as we were getting out happy said goodbye and again i wish you guys luck we said thanks and goodbye and we headed inside when we got inside dad asked how what we did was and we said it was good i think he could still tell things were bothering us but he didn't pry

(Tony Stark's POV) I know when my kids are going through something it's best not to pry because they will tell me when they are ready for me to know, even though sometimes I feel like it makes us more distant but I don't exactly wanna pull a Jonas Brothers moment because I don't know if it would truly help but then if I saw either of my boys stuck rambling on about there problems I would get very concerned and probably go to Bruce and ask him to have a talk with them about the dangers of drinking because I think if I were to tell them they would say I do it so how bad can it be I can see Harley pulling that one

(Peter Stark's POV) it's been a week since the birthday incident I have been talking to Bruce but I have also developed an eating disorder like the past few days I have been eating way less but I didn't tell Bruce or Harley because he would tell Bruce and then it might get told to dad and we wanna avoid that cause he might get mad I'm surprised people haven't started wondering Jack asked if I was ok because he noticed I wasn't eating much and I told him I just wasn't that hungry and he said ok even though I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe me but I also need to eat more with my abilities because i now have a super fast metabolism which is why I eat smaller amounts multiple times a day that way I don't starve but I don't gain to much weight when we finished we all went to our rooms and got changed I looked in the mirror I could tell I had lost a few pounds but not to much which I was happy about cause that means no one's gonna know

*time skip a month*

(Jack Sparrow's POV) it had been a month and I had noticed Peter had lost quite a bit of weight which I had learned you do when you eat less when I was out at sea, so I figured I'd bring it up with him and worse case sinareo I will make this whole family take a set of tests to see i my suspicion is true but I don't wanna involve the others if it isn't true maybe peter has just got Skinner but likely not so that's why I'm gonna talk to him so when we were done with breakfast I asked Peter if he could come talk with me in private he said sure and then we went in the garage and Peter asked why I wanted to talk with him and I said Peter I noticed you have lost quite a bit of weight he looked at me and said I can explain I just don't want everyone knowing and I said ok so explain he looked like he didn't wanna explain but I figured he would because Peter and I had gotten close he had told me about flash and how he bullies him and I had told him if it ever got bad enough I would talk to his dad but I would make sure we took him down the right way he also told me about how he has a crush on his friends MJ and Wade so he showed me a post on Instagram of him and Harley at a pool party

Instagram posts comments:
MJ. you guys look great so glad you had fun
Ned. looking good dudes looks like fun
Flash. looking good Harley but I don't see why Peter wore a swimsuit with that body
Liz. nice abs boys
Flash fan. flash is right but he's cuter and has better abs then both you
Brad. it was so fun to see you both thanks for coming wish I was your brother so I could get the Stark family abs

(Peter Stark's POV) so I showed him the post and he wasn't happy about the two mean comments but he told me he wanted me to try eating more because doing what I'm doing isn't healthy with my special abilitys and I knew that that's why I was being careful and eating more times a day and I knew Jack was trying to help but not get others involved so I told him I would try he seemed to like that answer he said he knows what it's like because he said he went through a simaler faze when his fiancé Jane passed when he moved here but going out with Dad helped bring him out of it he said he probably would never try it now because he's got Me, Harley and Morgan and he says we mean a lot to him and he doesn't ever wanna lose his relationship with us or our dad and that made me feel happy and special like I mean a lot so I gave him a hug

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