Chapter 5 A Fling Or Relationship

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(Jack Sparrow's POV) Peter hugged me so I knew what I said helped him and it made him feel important to me which is sometimes just the thing we need when we are going through a faze like he is I want Tony's kids to feel like I'm here for them and that they came come to me if they need to did I think it was a good idea that Peter wasn't telling anyone about the bullying no but was I gonna go behind his back and say something also No because that wouldn't help in fact it would probably break his trust but I know Peter is a fully capable young man he can decide who knows and who doesn't and I don't blame him if he's not telling a lot of people because there's not much that has been done before about it Peter had mentioned flash has picked on him since the day they met in kindergarten I was surprised but I know peters smart he's probably collecting evidence to show if it is to go to court

(Tony Stark's POV) Jack and Peter come back in and Peter looks a lot happier probably because of the talk they had when they come back in Jack sits next to me and Peter goes over to the kitchen to talk to Harley, so I ask what did you guys talk about and Jack says "normal teenage stuff one or more of us has probably delt with it before" he looks at Steve and then he looks back at me and I ask why he looked at Steve and he said he couldn't tell me. which obviously made me a little unhappy but I understood Jack had gotten close with my kids and possibly telling me some stuff might break that trust my kids have in him, and if my kids are ready to tell me they will tell me plus if Jack felt it was crucial I know he would tell me so again I say I'm not worried and they will tell me when they are ready for me to know

(Peter Stark's POV) I told Harley how I had told Jack about what is going on and the deal Jack made with me,tomorrow is Monday which means school and I have an appointment to talk to Bruce also MJ asked me if I could meet her outside after school which makes me wonder because if MJ didn't just tell me over the phone that means it must be important also ned says his mom bought him a Lego death star and he wants me to come over with Harley someday to help him build it I'm kinda excited to go to school but I'm also kinda not because more then likely flash is gonna decide to pick on me so I'm gonna do my best to ignore him but I also know my brother or any of my friends will stand up for me and stop flash or at least try if he does it around them but flash has become smart about it and only picks on me When not in front of people the battles happen when we are alone

(Tony Stark's POV) it had gotten late so I decided to order a quick supper for everyone and then it is off too bed I had work at stark industries and shield with Capsicle and triple threat, Peter and Harley have school then they are planning to go to their friend neds house I have meet his mom and she is a sweetie Morgan goes to school then happy will drop her off at a friend until me or Natasha and Cap can have time to watch her I ordered everyone Chipotle we talked about our day and the kids headed off to bed because we all have a pretty busy day ahead of us tomorrow and we all could use the most amount of sleep possible I think it's gonna be like every other day and I will have more things come up then what I had planned

(Steve Roger's POV) it was currently six and I had just got back from my run which Peter had joined me on and has been joining me on for a month now but today in particular I noticed something peters shirt was sticking to his body and I could see his ribs this concerned me but I figured this was what Jack had talked to him about I figured I'd leave it for now and talk to Jack about it later Peter went to get Harley up and I went to wake nat and then we both went to wake Morgan which went good so now I was making chocolate chip pancakes for everyone and Natasha had put on a pot of coffee which was like an alarm for the billionaire and the waiter we all had breakfast and then we all went on with our days as normal

(Tony Stark's POV) me and Jack had woken up to the smell of coffee we went to the kitchen to see Steve making chocolate chip pancakes when we all got seated we had breakfast everyone went there way for the day jack went to work at the restaurant, Steve and Natasha went to shield, Morgan went to kindergarten and Harley and Peter went to highschool, I had to go to stark industries for a meeting first thing in the morning then I got a phone call from a magazine that wanted to do a article on peter and Harley about being twins which I agreed to it was at around 4 which meant they still got some time with Ned then I went into my meeting and was in there for 2 hours but it was successful then once I got out it was currently 12:30 so now I checked my phone which had a message on it from my publicist saying I needed to do a press conference about me and Jack because the public thinks it's just a year long fling and that I will end it soon

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