Chapter 13 A Stark Fights Sleep Its Instinct

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(Bruce Banner's POV)now I asked Peter the first question on the second list by saying how did you get your injuries and Peter asked if we could skip that question and I said sure just keep in mind we will have to come back to it so this may take longer and he said ok then I asked him are any of the injuries you got related to things that happened at your residence and he said no which was good to hear but not really a surprise nothing like this would ever happen in the Stark's residences then I asked Peter if any of the injuries were cause by himself and he said no which I knew the answer to immediately because I know Peter wouldn't do that then Peter looked panicked and asked if we could please take a break and I told him yes there is no rush he can take as long as he needed so I got up and went over to the desk and put down the tablet and got two shots prepared one was to take away the pain Peter was feeling and the other was to relax him a bit so now I walked back over to the bed and you could just tell by the look on Peters face he was battling some stuff

(Peter Stark's POV) I was in pain and the questions were making new panic then Bruce came back over and said he was gonna put some shots in my IV and said the first would start working quickly and would take way the pain then he flushed that through and within a few minutes the pain was gone then he went over to the desk and he came back over with another shot and said this is a relaxer it will help with the nerves and he flushed it through and I could feel my self start to relax clearly everyone else in the room now realised I had felt panicked by the questions and Dad took it upon himself to tell me how it's ok to be panicked by the questions because he was at one time when he had to answer them and I said to him yeah but your an avenger you get ask those any time you get hurt on a mission and he looked at me and said true but the time I'm talking about wasn't avengers related it was just me not thinking correctly, me and Harley both looked at him surprised he is a genius it's where we get it from but I guess even geniuses can't prevent everything

(Bruce Banner's Pov) 1 hour had passed making it 4:45 currently and Peter was ready to now finish the questions this kid had a good support system all of the stark kids did but it showed especially today when they all showed up to comfort Tony and wait to hear news on Peter and still even then Fury, Tony, Jack and Harley are all currently standing or sitting here as emotional support the whole Time for Peter now I asked Peter the last question before the first one he didn't answer by saying this is probably one of the hardest to answer and ask but no one forced themselves on you did they Peter and he said no which was a big relief because that is a hard thing to even try and help someone recover from then I said ok Pete last question it's the one you didn't answer earlier and feel free to take as much time as you need to explain how did you get your injuries

(Peter Stark's POV) I looked at Harley and he nodded and held out his hand, i held his hand and said I should probably start from the beginning so there's this kid in our grade who likes to pick on me and beat me up when no one's around that's why a lot of the times I would text you and say I was staying at neds would be so you didn't see the black eyes he would give me they would of been the giveaway something was happening and you've always told us not to Snoop as low as bully's if we were ever to find ourselves in that situation so I didn't Snoop to his level when i get beat up i have Harley take pictures so eventually we would tell you and you could help us go after flash in court and take him down the right way at this point you could just see the hurt radiating of every adult in the room they clearly felt bad they haven't caught on that something was off and tried to help us sooner

(Tony Stark's POV) I was hurt my kids had been dealing with this for who knows how long and Peters been injured close to this bad how many other times and I had no clue that hurts not because they didn't tell me but because I could of helped them or made this kid stop before it got to this point and I'm sure Jack and Fury feel just as bad Bruce then tells Peter he did good and that the questions are done and that he should try and get some rest we can all see he is fighting sleeping but again then its a stark boys instincts to fight sleep I do it alot and I know my son's do to plus they are both geniuses if they said they wanted to finish high school early I would be totally on board I was in college at age 16 I guess though that is a conversation for another time because bruce is giving Peter something to make his sleep Harley is asleep on my shoulder and normally I would argue for them to eat dinner before going to bed but I think we all need it Nick offered to stay with Peter and I tried to protest I should be the one to stay but he said I need to take Harley home and me and Jack need some time away from the med wing he said we can comeback in the morning and he would let us know if anything changes

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