Chapter 8 Mrs. Peter

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*time skip 3 months*

(Peter Stark's POV) MJ and I have been dating for three months now and anyone who looks at us sees a perfect and happy all the time couple but actually we aren't the perfect or the happy all the time couple infact that may be how we started out but the last two months we have been disagreeing more with each other because MJ makes a lot of the decisions about where we go on dates and when we go on dates and when I hang out with people and who and if I say no she makes me feel bad for saying no and it feels like she just kinda pushes my opinion aside but we are trying to make it work even though there are some things I'm not sure I can let go

(Harley Stark's POV) a week ago we had a new student transfer here her name is magnolia Johnson she has falling in with the popular crowed but she also hangs with us she stands up to flash and rejects him in a heart beat infact if Peter wasn't seeing MJ currently I would tell him to ask her out because honestly I think they would make a good couple but I don't really give relationship advice because I'm not currently dating I can give flirting advice because I do it often but I'm natrully a flirt Peter isn't but he is a overly caring and concideret person he doesn't make any decisions without concidering how it will effect everyone involved that is one thing that is amazing about Peter

(Peter Stark's POV) I was sitting next to MJ at lunch holding her hand with the rest of the group when Magnolia Johnson AKA Mrs. Peter (inside joke between me and Harley) comes and sits at our table she's talking to everyone she even trys talking to MJ and I say try's because mj didn't really like magnolia and so she only says one word then rolls her eyes and magnolia must have thick skin because if what MJ does bothers her she doesn't let it show then she talks to me and she says "I have this old unhackable custom laptop that after today I'm not gonna use because I'm getting a new one I was wondering if you would want it it's almost new condition and free so do you want it" and I looked at her with genuine appreciation in my eyes and said thank you so much magnolia she smiled back and said "your very welcome Peter"

(Harley Stark's POV) the day had continued on normally with Peter and magnolia having every class together and peter and MJ only having one together I think anyone who looked at them could see it was Peter liked both of them and magnolia likes Peter and MJ likes Peter we got home and dad, uncle Steve and auntie Tasha were all home this was a little strange because usually that didn't happen because dad was either at stark industries or something press or avengers related or at shield and auntie Tasha and uncle Steve are usually at shield or busy doing avenger stuff and Jack wasn't home yet which wasn't really a surprise since he worked at a restraunt here in NYC that tends to get pretty busy I was kinda wondering if things were said or what was going on because again I say these three are never uselly home this early so this could either be a good thing or a bad thing

(Tony Stark's POV) we all got home early other then Jack and when the boys walked through the door they seemed really surprised actually fury just decided to give us a day of since we have a mission coming up that could take a few days which the kids are used to but fury thinks that it's best if we spend the next three days with them which I am excited for because this means I may just catch what Peter isn't telling me and maybe it will give me a chance to ask Peter about this Mrs. Peter I happen to keep hearing about but from what I've heard from the two so far it sounds like a possible love interest from Peter which is interesting because he's with MJ currently but I guess one thing I have noticed is Peter keeps a straight face most of the time and smiles either when he gets really happy but also when him and MJ are brought up but the smile for the second reason is smaller and duller then the smile for the first reason which often makes me wonder if there is trouble in Paradise with the two

(Harley Stark's POV) me and Peter looked at each other then Dad told us to sit down on the couch opposite of them so we could talk and all I could think was uh oh he knows he either knows about Peter and flash or he knows about me being gay which I haven't told anyone not even Peter but the goal is to tell Peter soon so he can help me figure some things out then I look at dad and I say what do we need to talk about and he looks at me and says "your grumpy decided to give us three days off to spend with you guys before our upcoming mission isn't that great" i looked at him and said yeah that's great dad but deep down I knew this would bring challenges like how he may see what flash does to Peter they all will and if I go out with Brad there gonna either meet him if he comes here or there gonna ask to or ask to see a picture and I'm not sure I'm ready to tell them yet about being gay but this could also happen to be beneficial because it means we get to spend some time quality time with them the next few days

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