Chapter 2 Teenage Troubles

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(Peter Stark's POV) when we came out from washing our faces dad told us to sit on the couch so we could start opening presents
The first presents we got to open where from dad mine was a watch that it can contact dad quicker for me if need be and jack and or Bruce and then it also could monitor my vitals and scan my body for injuries, dad gave Harley a designer watch then we got to open our presents from jack he gave me a compass he said it was the one he got when he first became a pirate it helped him when he got lost so he said he wanted to give it to me not just for if i got lost on missions or spider-manning but also becuse it would remind me he is here for me and he gave harley a map the one he used to plan all his trips then we got to open our presents from Grandpa C and Grandma H they gave harley a custom painted lamp with gucci design on it and a Gucci wallet and they gave me a virtual reality head set to help me train or just to have fun with my friends and a Gucci wallet like Harley but a different design then his

(Harley Stark's POV) then we got to open our gifts from grumpy who gave peter a new computer he said he needed one since he was still using the same old laptop he had fixed that he had found in the trash then he gave me mine that ended up being a pop up punching bag which he said I could use when i get frustrated which when you know me you know i get frusterted most often with flash who has taken it upon himself sense the day he and Peter meet to be his personal tormentor then we got to open our presents from wade since he had to go soon he gave Peter a new pair of black and white converse since he knows his old ones are basically shot because they have a number of holes in them wade gave me a new pair of gucci slides which I said were awesome  because they had my favorite gucci pattern then we both said goodbye to wade and Peter walked him out then as he left i assume he flirted with Peter since he kinda has a crush on him but peter also kinda has a crush on MJ then when he came back in and sat down we opened our presents from MJ which for peter was a pair of wireless noise canceling headphones for sensory overload days and listening to music and for me was a pair of beats headphones

(Peter Stark's POV) then we opened our presents from ned he gave Harley a pair of ray ban sunglasses and for me was a pair of normal glasses that he told me he knew i would be able to make into glasses that would help on sensory overload days then ned and MJ said they were gonna head out so me and Harley walked them out and said goodbye then we came back in and sat down and opened our last gifts that were from Uncle Steve and Auntie Tasha who gave me a new outfit from amarican eagle and they gave Harley a new outfit from Gucci after the party was over grumpy went home and grandma H and grandpa C also went home dad asked us how our day was and both me and Harley said amazing we would much rather have a small gathering then a huge party with people we don't know i had been lately thinking about enrolling in college classes while still in high school or even quitting school but that would cause a lot of questions and then It would come out that I have a bully and in a family of super hero's they would go after him or have a "chat" as my father and uncle would say and you may possibly be wondering why I don't just stand up to him in fact you are probably thinking Peter you are Spider-Man you could easily win but the truth is if all of the sudden out of the blue I was able to stand up to him and beat him it would seem suspicious and word would spread fast

(Tony Stark's POV) I was so happy the boys had a good birthday they had went on there phones for the first time all day and im watching them with steve and natasha smileing because my boys are happy then all of the sudden peters happy expressions turnes sad and then i see him tap harley and show him his phone then harley frowns and tells peter something and then they go back to scrolling but they dont have happy expressions anymore so i look to natasha and steve and natasha asks what i think that was about and i say i dont know then steve says dont you have access to there social media accounts and i said yes but they would tell me if they were dealing with stuff like that though right and then i started thinking what if there is something my boys aren't telling me then we see harley get up and heads to his room which based on his walk means something is frustrating him then peter says hes going to the restroom but he will be back then i turn to steve and natasha

(Steve Rogers's POV)  i looked at tony and i asked could it be bullies or just internet trolls being rude then tony says could be im not gonna look just incase they feel like its invading privacy and i looked at him and said i get that then nat says does anyone else find it wierd that peter will just text one of us and say he is staying at Neds out of the blue and when we try to get an answer out of harley about it he says he doesn't want to talk about it in a mad tone of voice and then he does his frustrated walk to his room then tony said yeah but we also have to realize if something is going on with them we are basically asking harley to tell on his bestfriend and himself if it involvses them both

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