Chapter 12 The Best Of The Highly Qualified

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(Tony Stark's POV)I looked at Harley and asked him Harley what happened to Peter he looked up at me and said it isn't my story to tell it's Peters and out of respect for him I won't say anything at least not until he's awake and can add things I looked at him and said ok, I had guessed peter would sleep for a while and would wake up at a time his body was a little more recuperated but actually surprisingly in 1 hour he was wakeing up which was a surprise but I figured with his speed healing it made it so he woke up quicker I told Harley I was gonna go and find either Bruce or strange and tell them he was awake because I figured they might wanna give him some more or think about maybe enhancing it some because of Peters abilitys so I left the room

(Peter Stark's POV) my eyes slowly fluttered open so I figured I must have fallen asleep, when I opened my eyes fully the lights were to Bright so I covered my eyes with my hands someone must have realised what was happening because the lights got dimmed down then when I opened my eyes papa asked if that was better so I guessed he realized with my enhanced senses the lights may seem extremely Bright Harley gave me the heads up that I was gonna have to tell Dad what happens and how today wasn't the first at that grumpy looked confused but Jack knew what I was talking about he looked like he wished he didn't tho within a few minutes Dad came back in the room with Uncle Bruce

(Bruce banner's POV) I was in the med wing lounge getting myself a snack and a coffee when Tony came up to me and said Peter was awake I was surprised normally when I gave that to a patient they slept for a few hours not 1 hour but then I thought about it and realized Peter has speed healing and that could have it's medical irregularities which would mean I would either have to find something different, enhance the one I already gave him or create one specialy for him I ask Tony if he wanted me to create a new one tailored to Peters healing factor or if he wanted me to enhance the already created one he looked at me and said for now just enhance the one you already have but for future purposes create your own tailored to him because you may need to use it in the future and I don't know if the other one is a great long term solution

(Tony Stark's POV) it only took a few minutes to get to Peters room when we did we walked in and the first things I noticed was the lights were dimmed so I figured with Peters enhanced senses the lights were to Bright I walked over to the side of Peters bed and sat down Bruce walked over to a desk in the room and picked up a tablet then he grabbed his roll stool and sat next to Peters bed on the other side, he typed something into the tablet then told Peter he had to ask him some questions that they are required to ask when a patient is alert enough to answer I knew what those questions were gonna be because I've been asked them before when I was sent to the med wing after being on missions and getting injured

(Bruce Banner's POV) I knew sometimes asking these questions brought up things people weren't exactly happy to admit like the time I had to ask Tony them after he came to me with injuries from working in his lab after a party were he had a little to much, so I told Peter we will start of with the easy questions and if there is a question he doesn't want to answer right away we can come back to it he said ok so I started of by asking him if he was currently feeling any pain or discomfort and he said his leg and abdomen and chest hurt but his face is feeling better all of which I wrote down and added to be expected with injuries then I asked him if he felt depressed or anxious and he said no which was good I asked him if he felt like he could trust everyone present and he said yes then I asked him the final of the questions on this page by saying do you experience flashbacks or nightmares about what happens and he said no which was good but it had also only been a few hours so there was still possibility it could happen I just hoped it didn't then I said well Pete the good thing is we can now move onto the harder questions because that round of questions is done and remember if there is a question you don't want to answer right away we can skip it and come back to it and Pete if at any point these questions become to much just speak up and we can take a break and he said ok and said we could continue

(Grumpy AKA Grandpa Nick Fury) I had made these questions as a way to make sure anyone who came here got the best treatment and help they required even on a few occasions have had to be asked these questions and even I have had to take a break or comeback to questions that was one of the things I told them to tell patients because I knew the questions could get overwelming and knew some other shield doctors who hasn't done so but Dr. banner and Dr. strange always made sure to include saying that which none of the doctors knew it but I often asked their patients to review them and strange and banner always got the best ratings and personally if any avenger needed help I would tell them to see banner or strange because they happen to be the best shield doctors of all the highly qualified shield doctors I have working here

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