Chapter 9 Terror Of The Night

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(Peter Stark's POV) that night when Jack got home we all sat down and had dinner together which was Steve's famous homemade spaghetti we talked about our days and I told everyone about how a friend is giving me their old laptop which is really nice and souped up and really secure and advanced and and In really good condition I had probably the biggest smile on my face and Harley looks at me and smiles knowing I left out two very big details her name and the fact that she is a girl and then Harley jokes " at this rate Mrs. Peter is gonna be Mrs. Peter Stark by the end of the year" I looked at him with the biggest smile on my face and slapped his shoulder playfully and say Harley stop it you know I'm with MJ and then he looks at me with a super big smile on his face and says Peter Stark it doesn't take a genius to see how happy it makes you talking about her, the adults are watching this interaction very confused but I don't think they wanna make it any more akward by dragging on the conversation with questions

(Tony Stark's POV) after the akward dinner conversation was over we all went to the living room and watched a movie together we ended up watching the big time rush movie first which we all have seen and actually surprisingly love then we watched the good dinosaur which the kids fell asleep to Natasha carried Morgan to her room and put her to bed and I brought Harley to bed and Jack brought Peter to bed me and Natasha got back pretty quick but Jack took some time coming back so I asked what took you longer and he said when I went to leave Peter started to have a nightmare he said it wasn't bad he just relaxed him while he was sleeping which Peter is my son he has nightmares like I used to there PTSD related just like mine were but mine have went away his are the same as I used to get waking up panicking feeling like there real sometimes screaming which made me wonder the only tramatic events I think that have happened to Peter recently was pepper dieing I think unless there is more I don't know about which pains me to think about

(Jack Sparrow's POV) I could tell this subject was starting to bother Tony so I decided to change the subject so I asked him who is Mrs. Peter, Tony looked at me and shrugged his shoulders and said" I'm not sure but from what I gathered it's a girl in there friend group that is a possible love interest for Peter" I looked at him in Surprise and shock because Peter already had a girlfriend so I said but isn't Mj Peters girlfriend and he looked at me and said "yes but have you priced it together how it looks like a fake smile when that topic is brought up and Peter keeps coming up either excuses when she asked him to go on a date with her lately doesn't that seem off to you" and I said yes but if something was off wouldn't Peter have said something and Natasha says" maybe but also maybe not because maybe Peter doesn't want to admit that there is trouble in Paradise with them also though hasn't Harley been acting a little off lately too he usually mentions how he gets flirted with a lot and how he flirted back but lately either that hasn't been happening as often or he's just keeping that to himself but I think it's more option one because when has he ever kept the information about flirting a Secret before

(Peter Stark's POV of the night before) I woke up from my nightmare crying and sitting up hugging my knees Jack was leaving but turned around and asked if I was ok and I just started crying even harder and that's when he came over to my bed and sat on the edge he stretched out his arms open basically saying without actually saying come here son and I crawled over into his arms and just sobbed the whole time he held me in a hug and rubbed my back when I finally stopped crying and pulled out of the hug he asked again and said son what's wrong and I said I had a dream flash beat me up and I couldn't stay at neds and MJ refused to cover up the marks for me and I had to come back home and Dad found out and he got mad and took away Spider-Maning for a week and told me that I wasn't aloud to go anywhere other the here and school or shield if my presents was requested then I accidently let it slip you and Harley knew and he grounded Harley and said he could only go to home and school and he broke up with you and I was basically outcasted by our little family and my breathing pace started to pick up and I started to hyper ventilate and Jack pulled me back into a hug and told me to listen to his breathing and slowly I did calm down and then he looked at me and said "son it was just a nightmare none of it happened and none of that would happen even if the secret was to come out" then he told me to lay back down he tucked me in and pushed a few of my curls out of my face and he said night son and I said night Papa I looked at him in Surprise and he just smiled and said I love you Pete and I said I love you Jack I went back to bed and Jack went back out where I assume the others were waiting for him

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