Chapter 1 The Party

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(Jack Sparrow's POV) I walked over and opened the closet and out fell three kids two boys who looked to be the same age and a girl that seemed to be much younger this situation looked bad on tony because it meant either these are his kids ( that he didn't tell me about) or he had kidnapped them but by the fact that they didn't act scared and they weren't tied up I think it's safe to assume these are his kids so I look from them to Tony and ask care to explain he looks back at me with a nervous and guilty look probably feeling bad he didn't tell me because he knows how bad it looks then he faces the kids then faces me again and says jack  I know how bad this looks but these are my kids Harley he points at the boy with dressier clothes and wavy hair and then says Peter and points to a boy in a science pun t shirt with curly hair they are my twin sons as he said that I was thinking to myself how they don't look anything alike and they were adopted from different families then Tony said "I know what your thinking how twins and the only thing that makes them twins is there birthday because we adopted Harley on peters birthday and Harley had never celebrated his birthday before so we deemed his adoption day his birthday making them twins and next is Morgan he didn't point cause I knew he meant the little girl with pretty chocolate hair and eyes and now I waved and said it is nice to meet you all I'm Jack a special friend of your dads

*time skip 1 year*

(Tony Stark's POV) over the past year Natasha and Steve moved in, Morgan turned 5 and Jack and my kids have gotten closer, Coulson and Maria have become grandparents to my kids so has fury it's just he can't show up as much with work sense he was promoted to director and head of shield after he busted Ross and got him fired after finding out he was the mole and bringing his findings to the board of shield. Today is the boy's birthday fury was there grumpy as he prefers over Grandpa comes to each of the kids party's because it's important he says,  Maria and Coulson also come sense they have become grandpa C and grandma H I always get the boys one small cake each that way they feel like its not sharing a party so much they both enjoy it but they wouldn't complain if they had to share because they know it would still be equal

*Time skip back a week*

(Steve Roger's POV) a year ago me and Natasha moved in with Tony and his kids me and Natasha have known all of Tony's kids since the day they were adopted or born we were at the store trying to buy the twins birthday presents because there birthday is in a week we have all just moved into the safe home a month ago and it was definitely not a mansion we let Tony have the basement as his lab which meant I had to find a new spot for the at home gym which we all agreed could be in the garage which I was fine with I didn't need that big of a gym anyway because the only people who will probably use it our us superhero's maybe even Harley but Morgan is to young so back to the present we bought Peter a set of chemistry equipment and for Harley we got him a few pieces of clothes from Gucci

Time skip forward a week

(Natasha Romanoff's POV) it's the day of the boys party and me and Steve come out carrying one present each and we put it on the gift table
We help them set up and then the boys go changes then jack comes in from his and Tony's bedroom carrying two presents then he puts them on the gift table and Tony looks at him and say " you don't have to buy my kids presents I told you that at Morgan's birthday" jack looks back at Tony and says "I know Tony but I want to it let's them know they mean something to me" my heart felt happy hearing that tony has three beautiful kids all who need another parental figure and all of us have gotten to know Jack more and he seems like he will be good for the kids then we hear the doorbell ring and Peter goes to answer it

(Peter Stark's POV) I opened the door too see it was grandpa C and grandma H each hold two presents I told them thanks for coming and to come in and they walked in and grandpa C said "thanks for having us" and grandma H said "we were so happy to come and help you and your brother celebrate your birthday" they walked over and put the presents on the table then started talking to the others then there was another knock on the door and this time dad went to answer it and in came ned,MJ and Wade our three best friends each carrying two presents we told them they didn't have to get us stuff but they still did then they put them down on the table and came over and started talking to us

(Harley Stark's POV) the doorbell rang and I excused myself from our group then I walk over to the door open it and see grumpy holding two presents I tell him to come in and that it is great to see him, he comes in and tells me it's good to see us too he walks over and sets our presents on the table then he joins the others in conversation so I wonder my way back to my group and join back in conversation with our group so far it's been a pretty awesome birthday and I think Peter would agree now dad tells everyone to have a slice of cake and then we get to open our presents so we all went to the kitchen where they sang us happy birthday then auntie Tasha served everyone a slice of cake and to no surprise I smeared some on peters face so he smeared some on mine dad and everyone got a kick out of it then dad sent us off to wash our faces

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