Chapter 10 Concern Comes A Calling

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(Peter Stark's POV next morning) your probably wondering when Jack started calling me son well that started happening a month ago he mostly does it to show me he cares I've never called him papa tho before I've thought about it but I thought he wouldn't like it so I never did but I see now he does like it so we will see if it becomes a more regular occurrence
Today is Wednesday the first day all the adults in the house other then Jack have off I walk into the kitchen and everyone is either sitting or standing talking I pull Morgan and Harley aside and say let's call Jack papa and see everyone's reaction Harley looked at me and said yeah but what if Jack doesn't like it and I looked at him and said I called him papa last night and he seemed really happy about it Harley and Morgan now seemed on board we all went back to the kitchen and Morgan runs over to jack and gives him a hug and he picks her up and she says I love you papa he smiles at her and say I love you too sweetheart at this point Natasha is smiling cause she knows what's going on and Steve and Tony both have a confused look on their faces now I look at jack and smile and say papa thanks for last night and he looks at me and smiles and says I'm glad I could help son and now Steve is smiling too now catching on to what we are doing even tho tony still has a confused face now Harley pipes up and does faze three of the plan smiling and saying papa when do you get a day off at the restaurant so we can spend the day together you dad and us, now jack looks at Harley and smiles and says I think I could take Saturday off actually but I'm not sure if that works for dad now dad is smiling realizing how much we act like a family for only meeting jack a year ago

(Harley Stark's POV) me and Peter head to school MJ had to miss today because she has work and at lunch Peter showed me a text he sent MJ a text breaking up with her I was a little suprised but ultimately I think it was a decision he had to make too do what's best for him plus he and MJ were friends before so I think they could still be friends even if they broke up, this makes him available for when he gets the guts to ask magnolia out also today happens to be the last day before Christmas break we get done with school and I and ned go on the way home while peter stays back and talk to magnolia about his feelings he texts me turns out she feels the same and they are going out on Sunday the day after Christmas

(Peter Stark's POV) after me and magnolia finish talking she heads home as I'm heading out the doors to leave when I get yanked back and land on the ground I look up and In my head I'm like crap why today Peter luck because I see flash and you know what that means I got up on my feet and say flash can we please not do this today then he says no because I wanna have fun peter and then he shoves me to the ground and I get back up and he then tells me magnolia only said yes to going out with me because she feels bad for me  and punches me in the face a few times and I fall to the ground he then he tells me the reason MJ and I broke up is because MJ realized how much of a loser I am and kicks my in the rib a lot and then kicks me in the chest a few times then he tells me the reason my family works so much he is because they wanna get away from me and he grabs something from his car but I'm so hurt I can't move quickly enough and it collides with my leg and I scream in pain as I now realize it was a crowbar and he says have fun Peter and walks over to his car and drives away and I find myself trying to get up and struggling but I'm able to get to my feet then I start limping all the way home I first come upon MJ's house and knock she answer but tells me she can't help me because I need a doctor and she pulls out her phone I assume calling someone to help me then she puts it up to her ear and in a few seconds she say hey Harley

(Harley Stark's POV) I am at home and I see MJ is calling so I answer and say hello then she says hey Harley Peter just showed up to my house injured pretty bad I think flash beat him up can you get over here pick him up and get him some help then I said yeah I'm on my way MJ, is he still conscious and she said yeah and I'll do my best to keep him that way and I said dad get a hold of happy say I need a ride and say it's urgent, dad now has a concerned look on his face as do the other adults and I say it's Peter he needs help, dad looks at me in the eyes and says I'm coming with you and I said ok just can you also call Jack and we rushed out of the house and into happy's car and I told him to drive to MJ's he now understand something must be wrong because you could sense the worry radiating off of me and dad when we got to MJ's me and dad hoped out of the car and I looked at MJ and said did you get the pictures and she said yeah here I got the ribs and the face I figured you'd want a picture after you find out what is wrong with his leg

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