Chapter 11 Our Family

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(Tony Stark's POV) this was bad and I wondered why Harley wanted pictures but I figured I would get told after we got peter help he was still conscious and we were on our way to shield because that's were Bruce and dr. strange are and they would be able to help peter quicker there then at home within minutes we were at shield and Bruce and strange came running over realizing In my arms I held my injured son Bruce took Peter from me and they brought him to a exam room in the med bay and told me happy and Harley to wait in the waiting room the first person I called was Jack I told him what happened and he talked to his boss and they let him leave early then I called Natasha and told he and she said they would be over as quickly as they could then I called fury and told him what was happening and he said he would get Coulson and Maria hill and head down as quickly as they could Jack was the first to arrive followed by Natasha and Steve not even a second later then fury, Coulson and Maria came in and we all waited to hear news on peter

(Bruce Banner's POV)I had carried peter into an exam room while dr. Strange led the others to the waiting room I could see that peter was still conscious which is miraculous for how injured he is so I asked him what hurt he said his face, ribs, his chest and his left leg so when dr. Strange came in I told him how peter is still conscious and what hurt he looked at Peter and said we are gonna do a scan of your ribs your chest and your left leg and He asked him how his eye is and Peter told him it hurt and it was a tad blurry but he could still see pretty good I also took it upon myself to remind dr.strange that Peter had speed healing which meant he heals faster but it also means it can cause irregularities with medical stuff but we will deal with that if or when it comes to that

(Stephan Strange POV) after we did the scans I told Peter his results his chest and ribs were just bruised so he was lucky his leg was fractured but his healing factor would make it so he would recover quicker then a normal person which he seemed happy about, i told him we would have to put his leg in a splint to make sure it didn't grow crooked but recovery time shouldn't be to Long he can get around on crutches but I personally think the best thing for him is gonna be bed rest but me and Bruce have known Peter since the day Tony adopted him and one thing we had learned since the beginning was Peter would find the you can do this instead of what I think the best thing for you but with his speed healing it wasn't really to concerning then I got the Splint materials and placed it on Peters leg then I put a nasal canal on Peter to help him breath better but this poor boy is fighting to stay awake even though sleep will be best for him so i inserted a IV into Peters arm and gave him a med to make him go to sleep easier, then he drifted off to sleep quickly then I looked at Bruce and said you can go talk to Tony and the rest of our family I don't addressing them as the family because they are my friends and addressing them like that makes them sound like strangers

(Tony Stark's POV) we are all waiting patiently to hear news on Peter it's been close if not actually 30 minutes but it feels like hours when your worried about your child or sibling or nephew or grandson finally Bruce came out and all the adults got up and I asked how is he and Bruce said we gave him a med to help him sleep because he was fighting sleeping and that's the best for him right now, he has bruises on his ribs, face and chest but his worst injury is his leg but it should heal pretty quick with his speed healing a calm wave set over the room you could tell that there was a tense atmosphere with not knowing how Peter was Bruce said we could chose who went in, he just suggested not to many people because if Peter woke up he might get overwelmed I told Harley to go in first while I talked to the others

(Harley Stark's POV) I walked in the room to see Peter sleeping I took pictures of the injuries because when Peter woke up I know Dad is gonna ask and Peters gonna have to tell him plus this has been going on for month Peter was gonna have to tell him eventually because we are gonna take flash Thompson down the right way by not engaging in his messed up game for his own personal enjoyment afew minutes later Dad and grumpy and Papa came in and Dad sat down next to me while grumpy and Papa stood behind us so apparently Dad sent Uncle Steve and auntie Tasha to go with happy to go pick up Morgan and bring her home and grumpy sent Grandpa C and Grandma H back to work because he didn't want to leave shield unattended for if as grumpy calls him big man even tho he was fired stops by which is understandable with the fact leaving a top security organization that saves NYC unattended and something even slightly off were to happen it would be on grumpy and he could lose his job and we don't want that because grumpy doesn't have to say it but we all can tell his job is important to him then Dad looks at me and says Harley

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