Chapter 6 Peters Luck

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(Peter Stark's POV) me and Harley got to school and our day was going good we had got through 4 classes then we had lunch that was when Flash decided to pick on me by saying things like "why do you all hang out with this loser i mean Harley is forced to" then Harley stood up and looked at flash and said I'd rather have Peter as my brother then you flash because your a pain in my butt and you get everything handed to you not to mention your a teachers pet also I heard your dad tried to pay your way into the Stark industries internship, flash's face turned ugly with anger at what Harley said which I found amusing he then turned to me and said I will get you back bad for that one loser and he stormed of the next two hours went by uneventful then the bell signaling the end of the day went off and me and my merry band headed to our lockers

(Tony Stark's POV) I just got down with two more meetings they lasted a hour each it was now 2:30 the time the boys got out of school I then went to my office and started working on paperwork I called my publicist back and told her to set up the press conference for Tomorrow she said that wasn't an option and asked if I could do it today at 5 and I said sure but I wasn't exactly happy about it but that is only because that means Monday movie night isn't gonna happen tonight which is a bonding experience for our little family including Steve and Natasha so now I gotta get ahold of everyone

(Peter Stark's POV) ned and Harley headed to Ned's house then MJ meet me outside and told me "Peter I have liked you since the day we met and I think we could be good together and even if we break up we can still be friends so will you go out with me" and I said yes then MJ walked home but Peter luck couldn't let me have today free and that's bad because dad had an interview booked for me and Harley so right as I'm leaving flash comes up to me and punches me so hard  I fall to the ground then he punches and kicks me in the ribs to the point it's hard to get up he also stomped on my arm and it hurts but I'm gonna push through because then after the interview I will go see Bruce I make it to Mjs she takes me to her room and puts makeup over my bruises one on my eye which she covered incredibly well to the point you would never know I had a black eye then there was a cut on my eyebrow that MJ couldn't cover up but she put stuff on it she left my ribs but said I definitely have to see Bruce after the interview when I got to neds Harley asked what happened and I told him we took pictures and I explained what happened then me and Harley headed to the interview when we got there we were happy because we got our favorite stylist

(Harley Stark's POV) I wasn't happy with the flash situation but our favorite stylist Brooklyn has known us for awhile and she knows about flash so I told her and she said she would make sure you couldn't tell she put me in a white dress shirt with the first few buttons open and black dress pants and she dressed Peter in a dark blue polo shirt with the first few buttons open and a pair of grey plaid dress pants then she told us to go see the photographer he first told Me and Peter to stand next to each other and laugh next he had peter and I stand back to back with our arms crossed over our chest and then he had us stand next to each other with our hands clasped in front of us like the men on the bachelorette then he had me swing my arm around Peters neck and talk casually after the shoot was over Peter and I asked Bruce if he could do a house call which he did, he said Peter was lucky his ribs were only bruised and his arm needed to be in a brace for a bit just to make sure it didn't get worse he said his brow would heal fine not even leaving a scar and he said his black eye should be fine just bruised

(Tony Stark's POV) I had went to shield we did the meeting then we all headed to our house where Jack and I would meet and have to leave immediately to make it to the press conference in time Morgan had got a ride home with Steve and Natasha I was hoping the press conference would be over quickly but they usually aren't which if that's the case then that means I will see my kids in the morning but apparently Harley and Peter decided to stay at their friend Ned's house he's a good kid so I'm not worried I just wonder why at last moment did they decide to go to his house but I suppose it was just one of those days they needed to do projects or assignments together I just sometimes wonder if that's truly the reason but they would tell me if it was truly that important
We walked out and sat down then we said hello and opened the floor to questions the first reporter asked is it true that you've known jack even when you were married to pepper I looked at her and said no we only meet a year ago the next reporter asked is it true we live together with my kids and best friends and I responded with saying yes and it's been amazing the kids love having him around all the time

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