19. Why won't you leave me alone?!

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You looked anywhere but the piercing grey eyes that seemed to penetrate into your soul. Had you not had enough torture today? Clearly not.

"What is she doing here." Pansy screeched, eyeing you up and down.

You merely smirked, and shook your head lightly, ignoring the blubbering lard. Seemingly, thats what everybody else in the carriage had done also. You couldn't help but feel awkward, the three of you knew what was happening, Pansy however, was just as oblivious as a blind person with hairdressing scissors.

The rest of the ride to the train was extreamly awkward, and more than once you thought about jumping out of the moving carriage, but you didn't want to walk the rest of the way in the snow, alone.

You didn't even wait for the carriage to stop moving completely before swinging your trunk off the shelf above everybodies head, and knocking Pansy with it on your way out of the carriage. You waved to Seth, as he went off to find some of his new friends to sit with. You didn't mind, actually you preferred it cause it was still awkward to be around him.

Turning your zen (mp3 player) on you plugged the earbuds into your ears and turned the volume up as loud as it would go. You smirked to yourself when Pansy's screeching was drowned out, not only by the music, but by the distance you put between yourself and the people still in that carriage.

Hoisting your things onto the train, you found yourself an empty cabin, and took a seat, claiming it for yourself. You turned your attention out the window as the last student climbed onto the train, and found their own cabin.

Hermione had searched all the cabins, and the only one that wasn't completely full was the one with Alice Smat in it. "Come on guys. Here's one." she muttered, unhappy about having to spend the next few hours with you.

You knew you should have locked your cabin when you were all alone. You turned your attention to the trio that spilled into the cabin, and put their trunks on the over head racks. You gazed at Harry for a brief moment, then turned your attention back out the window.

"I don't know why we have to be in here with her." Hermoine said, glancing in your general direction.

"Yeah, we can't turn our backs or she might just hex us. And she's being freakishly quiet." Ron added, his face growing with concern.

"Just give her a break..." Harry muttered, he hadn't gotten around to telling them that you would be helping them learn how to muggle fight, and with spells.

"It's not like she really knows how to duel Ron..." Hermoine snickered.

"Actually Granger, I have better grades than you do." You stated, still staring out the window. "And that is why Dumbledore requested that I help you sorry lot."

Ron and Hermoine's eyes widened, and then they turned to stare at Harry, who obviously knew.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Hermoine asked, clearly not happy.

"Probably cause you'd have this reaction." You stated, butting in and answering for Harry.

"This doesn't involve you." Ron tried to glare at you.

You scoffed, "clearly it does. Apparently I'm supposed to be thrilled to teach you three bumbling idiots all I know about muggle fighting, dueling, and spells. Obviously Dumbledore asked me specifically for a reason. So shut it and quit your complaining before I decide I don't need to help you."

Ron and Hermoine were taken aback by your little speech, and closed their mouths grudgingly. You had a point, obviously you didn't want to be there as much as they didn't want you there. But if they expected to beat Voldemort, they were going to need as much help as they could get.

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