Chapter 31- Best Friends Can Leave Marks

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A/N: I'll be using lyrics from Kanaya's song "Letter To Mr President" throughout this chapter! The theme of this chapter is best friends.

"I've been so lonely
The world turns so slowly."

Tommy sighed. "He's gone, hasn't he? Of course."
Coward, Tommy thought to himself. He still felt a little pang of guilt- no, not guilt. Sadness. He missed the friendship he used to have had with Tubbo. Now Tubbo hated him and wanted to kill him, but obviously could not since they were both vampires, and assumed that vampires could not be killed.

Of course, this was a lie, but only one person knew that it was. Nobody else knew the method to kill a vampire but her. Whoever she was.

He felt sad, anticlimax washing over him as he realised- he'd been enjoying the fights in a weird, sadistic way. It had been fun with Tubbo, and now he was gone and so was his hope for anything to do with the smaller man.

"But I thought it was us against the world?
What is there now to be worth fighting for?"

He didn't know why he found it fun. It was dehumanising and painful, getting beaten and kicked by his once best friend, but he appreciated the fact it was with Tubbo.
Not anyone else.
He turned to Phil, realising he was still hovering in the air next to his dad, and said, "What do we do now?"
"I don't know, sorry mate. There's still Puffy, right? I think that was her name, yeah?" Phil replied.
"Uhh, yeah, it was Puffy. She's on Tubbo's side. But he's gone and done a runner out of sadness so I guess she's alone," Tommy said, thinking hard. "Do we abduct her?"
Thinking of abductees, his mind wandered back to Ranboo.

Ranboo! He'd obviously be captured again if he was left in the hands of Wilbur, Techno and Phil! He, Tommy, needed to intercept them.
"Yeah, we should."
"I'll let you do it," he said cautiously, since he was planning to be kind to Ranboo and not abduct him, unlike the rest of his family, and didn't need Puffy to slow him down.
"You sure?" Phil said, surprised.
"Yeah, it's fine, go on," Tommy replied.
"Alright. Thanks, mate. Been looking for a good fight."
Phil swooped down confidently and Tommy turned his attention to Ranboo, who was cowering under a tree, evidently scared and a little traumatised.
He landed gently down and made his way over to Ranboo, who at this point had his head in his knees.
"Hey, Ranboo."
Ranboo looked up with tear stained, red eyes.
"Come with me. Like, now."
Tommy looked up and realised that Techno and Wilbur had been watching- for how long?- and were now helping Phil capture Puffy, who had tried to run.
"Quick! While they're distracted by Puffy!"
Tommy could hear Wilbur dramatically sighing and saying loudly, "You know, Quackity was very good at capturing people... Such a shame we don't have him here now..."

Everyone ignored him.

Techno rolled his eyes.
Tommy grabbed a confused Ranboo's hand and bolted up to the mansion, dragging the other man behind him.
Wilbur was still loudly ranting about how unfair it was that poor Quackity had been so cruelly exiled from the mansion, and would have been such a big help with them.
Of course, everyone ignored him.
They ran inside and up to Tommy's room.
"What was that about?!" demanded Ranboo once the door was closed.
"Nothing, I- I just want to make sure you're safe, Boo Boy. You know they'd have gone for you after they're done with Puffy? They'd have captured you, too!" Tommy proclaimed.
"They would-?"
"Yeah! I just wanted to make sure you were safe and that they can't come after you- at least not very efficiently. If they get you without me there, they'll kidnap you and I don't know what else..."
Tommy was getting worried.
Did he trust his family?

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