Chapter 11- "Does Little Dreamie Need Help?"

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"Dream?" said an incredulous Techno.
Dream's head was bowed and he looked fed up and a little embarrassed, but that was fair since he had just gone to his sworn enemies' house to ask for help, of all things.
What could he say?
They were the only ones that could help him.
"What are you doing here, Dream?" said Techno, smirking. "Does little Dream need help because he doesn't know how to be a vampire? Awe, do you need help, Dreamy?" mocked Techno.
"Yes," murmured Dream quickly, looking at the ground in shame.
"What was that? I didn't hear you."
"Ugh." He sighed. "Yes. I do need help. There. Happy now?"
Techno gave a rare grin. "Yes I am. Come on in. By the way, everyone is going to mock you, just a heads up."
"I know."
As they headed inside, Techno asked him, "So, what do you need help with anyway? Being a vampire in general or a specific thing?"
"In general. I have no idea how to do this shit..."
"Oh, I thought you had it all sorted out, that feast was... something. Completely ruined our Hunt. Bet you had a good time, though, heh," Techno said.
"Oh. No. I was having a crisis in the forest, it was like... My brain and then a little voice at the back of my head were arguing. The voice was telling me it was okay and it was good. And then my ex coworker found me, then got my other ex colleagues to find me, and I was forced to kill them. And now I really regret it," Dream admitted to Techno.
They were in the lobby now, and Tommy was coming down the stairs.
He quickly spotted Dream and Tommy's cold heart dropped.
"What is this bitch doing here? I thought he was too busy murdering towns and ruining them for other vampires," Tommy said, pissed and confused.
"You tell him, Dream. Admit it," Techno said smugly, nudging the strawberry-blonde.
"Ugh. I came here because I need help. And you're the only vampires I know who know me."
Suddenly, a flash of recognition rushed across Dream's eyes.
"You! Thomas Simons? You- you're the reason I'm like this right now! I came here because George went after YOU, and now he's dead and I'm a vampire. F-fuck you!" Tears were brimming in the man's eyes as he was held back by the pinkette from attacking Tommy.
"Let me go! I want to hurt him for all the pain he's caused me!"
Techno paid no attention to Dream's demands and held him back until Dream started to calm down, which was when fat globs of tears started to roll down the poor man's face.
Tommy was just freaked out.
"What? I didn't kill George. Not my fault he wandered off, if you go looking for immortal people who can kill you in a heartbeat, don't be surprised if you die, alright? Also I'm not Thomas, I'm Tommy. Thomas is a shit name. I prefer Tommy or Tom," the blonde stated.
"I don't care what you're called... You made me like this..."
"I don't care," Tommy said coldly.
This coldness Techno had not expected, and he loved it.
Tommy was making leaps and bounds in his vampire journey, once his friends were gone it would be complete.
Dream wasn't taken aback, however, and just seemed annoyed.
"Fuck this shit," said Tommy, and walked out of the doors. "I'm gonna be back in a bit. I don't want to see his face again."
Techno glanced at Dream, who stared back.
"Will you let me go now?" he said annoyedly.
"Only if you promise to not go after Tommy," said Techno, smirking.
"Fine. I promise. God, you pick at everything, huh?" Dream muttered.
Techno relaxed his grip and Dream shook free, nursing his arms.
"So I expect you'll be wanting a room, then? It's probably going to be better to hide you from the others for a while."
"Please do. I'd appreciate that. Also I have a question for you," said Dream, half-smiling.
Maybe vampires aren't THAT bad, he thought. Techno isn't that bad in person.
"What made you want to turn me?" Dream asked, suddenly realising how awkward the question was.
Techno didn't care about how awkward it was, though.
"Oh, it was actually Phil's idea. We thought it would be a waste if we simply killed you, so we agreed to make you one of us. Simple."
"Oh. Did you plan it?"
"Nah, not at all. Phil just asked us if he should turn you and we were like alright then. That was when you were knocked out by the drug," Techno said, smirking; he knew Dream liked to have everything about him.
The strawberry-blonde's face was a little crestfallen but he did an okay job of hiding it.
"Anyway, you can crash in here for a while. How long do you want to stay?" Techno asked, motioning to a door.
"Oh, just a few days. I need help on being... one of you.." he trailed off, feeling a little sad that he could never go back to his old days of hunting with his friends, Jack, Ant, Sam, Niki, Fundy... They were all either dead or they hated him.
"I'm sorry, I just had... nobody to go to. George is dead, most of my friends are dead and my only two alive friends hate me. I had no idea where to go for help."
"Eh. Understandable."
A door opened behind them, and they both turned to see Tubbo coming out of his room.
The boy froze at the sight of Dream.
"What is he doing here?" Tubbo asked in a wavering voice, pointing a shaking finger towards the man.
"Dream here needs hel-" Technoblade started to say, but he was interrupted by Tubbo.
"I don't care! He killed Ranboo! He took away my best friend! We could have achieved so much, but he fucked all that up! He might come back, but he might NOT! And if he doesn't, it's his fault! HE is the reason that I cried every day for a month and a bit! My sheets are stained every day because I miss Ranboo so much. And it's his fault. I... I just miss him so much..."
Tubbo started to cry, his tone changing alarmingly quickly from angry to sad. Fat, salty tears streamed down the poor boy's face, leaving wet tracks when they had slipped off his face.
"I hate you, Dream! You've taken so much from me!"
They all flinched at the unexpected sound of the door opening. Tommy!
Wilbur unexpectedly came upstairs, surveying the scene.
"What's he doing here?" Wil asked.
"Needed help," Techno told him. "Didn't know how to be a vampire, so of course he came to us-" he smirked "-and now we can taunt him about it eternally."
"Niiice." Wil grinned.
Tubbo, however, was gathering his rage at Dream as frustrated tears poured down his face.
"Fuck you, Dream! I'm gonna- I'm gonna hurt you until you wish you'd never been born! I'm gonna hurt you so much that you'd wish you could just die and get the pain away! I'm gonna do it!" Tubbo screamed, his face glistening with the remnants of his fruitless tears.
Tommy acted quickly, putting his arms under Tubbo's and holding him back, the brunette boy struggling and attempting to run at the strawberry blonde man.
Dream was getting angry at the kid, so he decided to run at him. Techno, who basically read his mind, said, "No you don't," and gripped his arms in the same way Tommy was doing for Tubbo.
"...what. The. Fuck?" came a voice from the top of the stairs. Phil was here.
"Why is everyone here now?" Tommy thought out loud.
A chorus of "Dunno" and "No idea" resonated through the room.
Phil said, "Why's he here?"
Technoblade sighed. How many times did he have to explain?
"He needed help."
Meanwhile, Tubbo was still being held back by Tommy and Dream by Techno, both still struggling to get out of their captors' iron grips.
"Hey, kid, are you mad about your friend? I don't care!" said a mad Dream, who decided to taunt Tubbo. "He tasted delicious, I bet you're just jealous because you didn't get to taste him! He was worthless and stupid."
These words made not just Tubbo's, but Tommy's, blood boil.
"You know what, Tubbo. Go on. Get him. Get him for the things he's done to you, me and Ranboo."

And then he let go.

Tubbo raced towards Dream and punched him as hard as he could, startling Technoblade who accidentally loosened his grip and Dream slipped out of it.
Wilbur was cheering them on, Phil was watching curiously and Techno was unimpressed as the two duelled. Tommy was shouting encouraging words at Tubbo, like "Do it for Ranboo!" and "It's what he would have wanted!"
They landed many punches and kicks until it got boring and they ran out of energy. Many bones broken, they kept going. Tired, beaten and bloody, they didn't give up but hurt each other less enthusiastically.
Eventually, Dream just passed out from pain and Tubbo cheered himself as everyone else had gone after the fight had become monotonous.
Tubbo shook the other man, whispered, "I won," and scampered across the hall back to his room, giggling.

The next morning, Phil proposed a visit to a town bordering L'Manberg.
"It's only got a few residents and it's practically abandoned... It's perfect for a Hunt! We can eliminate the population once and for all in the sad little thing that calls itself a village."
Phil commanded Dream to come (with the threat of kicking him out), and finally the man caved in and agreed to come with the DSBI to the village.
They set out and trekked for about two hours, until Phil announced they'd arrived.
"This is it!"
The town was grey and silent, the only sound was the river that cut through it tinkling and babbling but Tommy liked it.
"Alright. Take two houses each," Techno commanded, "and meet back here in ten minutes."
Dream was unsure, but he forced himself to follow their commands. If this was what being a vampire was like, at least he was getting some experience?
They all obliged and the blonde went for two old-fashioned houses.
The first one had a little old lady inside whom he killed in the blink of an eye and the second was a husband and wife, in their early fifties or so it looked like.
Tommy was feeling less and less remorse every day.
After he was full, he headed back to the meeting place to find everyone there already, all with bloodstained, dirty shirts.
"That was good," said Wilbur happily. "It was just what I needed."
Dream was looking unsure. "That was nice but I feel really bad for the people I killed..."
"Mate, it's fine, they'd die anyway but you won't, so do whatever the fuck you like, alright?" Phil assured him. "It seems bad at first but you get used to it."
Wilbur saw something out of the corner of his eye.
"Hey, there's a guy over there! Fishing!"
True to his word, they all headed over to see a man wearing a blue beanie and a blue tracksuit with a duck next to him, fishing.
Wilbur was about to pounce when the man looked up. He had orange eyes, so Wil refrained, realising he was one of them. There was no nutrition from vampire cannibalism.
Why was he fishing? He was a vampire? He didn't need to eat humans' food, so why was he fishing?
Also, why did he have a duck next to him?
He was about to ask these, but suddenly, Dream spoke.

editors note: hey hope you enjoyed! props to Charlie (again) for giving me the idea of big q being in this :))
word count: 2002

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