𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 |27|

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I wake up spooning with Will. We were so cozy, I could forever be in Will arms. I feel a kiss on top of my head as my eyes try hard not to close and fall asleep again.

"I love you..." I said quietly bearly even hearing me.

"I love you to baby..." Wil said while groaning. Wil kisses my neck and gets up. After he got out of the bathroom I went in. I finished with everything and head to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"What should we have for breakfast?" I asked Wil as he's sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Oh I don't know, you can make some pancakes?" Wil said suggesting.

"Oh sure!" I take the pancake mix an prepared my pan. I soon finishe with the pancakes so I started setting up the table. When I finished I called Wilbur to eat.

"Ouuuu, looks delicious! Bet they are." Wil said with a smile sitting on the table.

I smile and start eating them. Will was right when he said they are going to be delicious. We ate them in a second and cleaned the table. I went to grab my phone no see what happened while I wasn't on it.

1 New Email
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I went to open the email

From Twitch, To Y/N

Hello Y/N!

It's us from twitch and we are inviting you to TwitchCon with us. It's going to be organised in United States, California. The plain tickets, hotels, everything will be payed by us. It would be lasting for a week. From 1-11-2020 to 7-11-2020. Hope you can make it! If you can please send us a message in return.

Thankyu, Twitch.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I got invited to TwitchCon?!

"LOLLIPOP!" I yell out calling Wilbur.

"Yes darling?" Wilbur said coming into the room.

"I got invited to TwitchCon!" I said exited.

"Really? That's great!" Wilbur said also pretty exited.

"Are you going?" I asked Wilbur.

"Probably." He said smiling. I look at the email again and remember I won't make it. I would have work at that time.

"Actually I won't be going." I said a bit disappointed.

"Whys that?" Wilbur asked confused.

"I have work at this time." I said looking up at Wilbur.

"Oh no, well I won't be going either then." Will said shrugging it off.

"No you can go, so you can tell me how it was when you come back." I said smiling.

"But I don't wanna go without you..." Will said taking my hand.

"It will just be a week, we could call eachother everyday okay?" I said trying to cheer him up.

"Fine I guess." Will said smiling. He plants a gentle kiss on my lips and gets out of the room. It was 27 of October so I had ballet soon. I sent back an email saying how I won't make it and apologized. I turned off my phone and went to my wardrobe. I picked out something to wear.

I changed and went to the living

I changed and went to the living

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