Session 27

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Was her hatred justified? Or was she just being overdramatic. Quinn couldn't decide. She sat on her chair lifelessly with her knees tucked close to her chest. She shouldn't have trusted Spike. Not yesterday, not the other night, not six months ago.

Quinn knew she should have run from him as soon as she found out that he was involved with the syndicate . He was despicable, and so was Vicious.

Once a syndicate member, always a syndicate member.

Quinn knew very little of the Red Dragon, but what she did know was that crime organizations were not easy to escape from, let alone mentally recover from upon leaving. After all, Spike was truly nothing but a runner, and ever since his last fight with Vicious, he had to have been running faster than ever before. Although he didn't know Vicious was alive, he had to have known the syndicate was always going to be looking for him. Quinn had a taste of that life for quite some time, and based on her personal experience, she knew how mentally destructive it was.

That life was awful, and Quinn couldn't stop thinking about poor Julia. She was a syndicate member as well, and worst of all, she was caught in the middle of a treacherous love triangle.

Quinn Cried as she pictured her in her mind. She had no clue what Julia looked like, but she found a way to think of her anyways. That poor girl fell victim to the bickering of two men. Quinn couldn't believe the similarities of their lives, and it made her sick to think she was most likely Julia's replacement.

With animosity burning through her veins, Quinn untucked her head from her knees. Tears rolled down her flushed cheeks as the thought of Julia was quickly replaced by the stomach churning image of Spike sleeping with another woman.

Quinn grit her teeth as the thought tortured her. She wondered what the new girl looked like. She wondered how Spike had met her, and most of all, she wondered if he had used the same tricks on this new girl as he did with her. Quinn had a feeling Spike never viewed her as something special, but it broke her heart to have her feelings verified.

Of course she didn't blame him for seeing someone else, but she couldn't help but be angry with herself for even beginning to think he was loyal to her. He hurt her, again, and this time, it was all her fault for trusting him.

Quinn cringed at her own weakness. She sniffled as she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her blazer. As sad as Spike had made her, she knew she had no time to waste. She shot up from her chair and ran over towards the front door. The sound of a shuttle taking flight caught her ear as she placed her hand on the doorknob. She twisted it, and pulled the door open.

Quinn's eyes widened as glaring sunlight reflected off the water and into her eyes. She flinched as her vision adjusted. Ahead of her was a long set of stone stairs that led down to a thin, pebble covered shoreline that was hardly visible considering how the water covered it.

The ocean was violent. Fierce, impossibly dark waves thrashed along the shore splashing water up onto the base of the stone steps. The water foamed and bubbled upon impact with the base of the steps, completely covering the rocky shoreline.

A raised, stone landing pad was stationed around thirty meters to the left of Quinn. It was empty, and as Quinn lifted her head up, she could see that Vicious had just taken off.

Quinn watched the shuttle fly towards land. The shore was no more than a few miles out, but boating would've been impossible with the condition the waves were in, and considering the distance, swimming was out of the question.

Quinn frowned as the chilling ocean breeze nipped at her exposed skin. Molecules of salt water caught in her lungs as she watched Vicious' shuttle fly out of view. Quinn stepped back inside once his ship disappeared along the horizon line.

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