Session 13

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The events that followed after Quinn had departed from the Bebop had all become a blur now. She had been in questioning for hours, and thankfully it looked like luck was on her side. Spike, Faye, and Jet were all able to verify Quinn's alibi, whereas Mack didn't have a single one to bank on. 

The mask was taken in for evidence and sent off to a lab to run DNA and software tests. Quinn hated her technology being out of her hands again, but it gave her comfort to know that her creation was being handled by professionals. She had no doubt that the results would come back in her favour, and hopefully those results would come  back sooner rather than later.  

After what felt like decades worth of questioning, Quinn was told she was to be transferred to a holding cell to spend the night. She wasn't to be released until the test results came back even though Mack was clearly guilty. Regardless, it was the law to keep Quinn locked up until authority had more solid evidence.

Spike, Faye and Jet were free to go once they had made their statements, but since authority had yet to decide who was actually in the wrong, the Bebop crew was unable to claim their bounty. Eventually a verdict would be decided, and then they'd all get their cut of the Woolongs that were hanging over Quinn's, and Mack's head. 

Once Quinn was released from questioning, an officer escorted her back into the stations main hall. The station was empty except the receptionist at the front desk and a few other strangers scattered throughout the waiting room. 

Within the tiny group of dispersed strangers, a flash of blue caught Quinn's eyes. In the corner of the waiting room Quinn saw Spike asleep on one of the chairs. He had a cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth, but it was unlit.

"Spike?" Quinn called as she stopped dead in her tracks. The guard grumbled angrily beside her as he narrowly avoided tripping over his own his feet. 

Quinn watched as Spike's eyes fluttered open upon hearing Quinn's voice. 

"Lets get a move on young lady," the guard tugged on her wrists as he tried to pull her towards the holding cells.

"Once sec please?" She begged as Spike got up from his seat. The officer sighed loudly as he loosened his grip from around her wrists. Quinn quickly thanked the guard before Spike pulled up beside her.

"You waited for me?" Quinn asked rhetorically. Spike nodded as he fished a lighter out of his coat pocket.

"Where are the others?" Quinn questioned, but Spike simply shrugged in response as he sparked his cigarette.

"They left awhile ago, but I thought I'd stay a little longer. Wanted to see how you were doing," he smiled as he exhaled a small puff of smoke before tucking his lighter back into his pocket.

"I appreciate you waiting, but I haven't really got much to tell ya," Quinn shrugged as she directed her eyes towards the sliding doors that led towards the holding cells. Behind the glass she could see how dark it was within the hallway. It was late, and she figured they kept the corridor dim for those who wanted to sleep. Whatever the reason, it gave Quinn chills. 

"They're keeping you over night, right?" Spike asked, and Quinn nodded indignantly. 

"Unfortunately," she sighed as the officer behind her began to grow impatient.

"That's enough socializing for tonight, lets get a move on," he griped as he tugged her away from Spike. Quinn pulled away in protest, but her strength was no match for his. He dragged her away like a ragdoll while Spike followed closely behind them. 

"Hey, can't I talk to her while she's in her cell?" Spike questioned. 

The guard sighed loudly before stopping and glancing towards his wrist watch. 

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