Session 26

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When Quinn had stepped out of the shower, she was disappointed to see that everything around her was real. She hadn't been dreaming, and although she tried her hardest, she couldn't make herself wake up from what she wished was just a nightmare. She got herself dressed, and made her way back into the bedroom.

She peered out the window once again, and stared across the vast, watery landscape.

"Please come get me, Spike," Quinn mumbled under her breath sorely as she ran her hands through her sopping wet hair. She inhaled deeply as she walked towards the bedroom door. She hated how the air tasted in her mouth. It was stale, untouched, and suffocating. Although the bedroom was well furnished and taken care of, she could tell it had been left alone for quite some time. That explained the mustiness. The paint was peeling off the walls in some areas, and the creaky floor boards seemed unstable and unkempt.

The bedframe, mattress and sheets were all fresh, and they stood out from the rustic vibe the rest of the bedroom gave off. Quinn gave the room one last look before heading out the door. 

She was quickly hit with the scent of freshly cooked food upon stepping out onto the landing. Her stomach grumbled as her hand left the doorknob. Ahead of her was a long, winding spiral staircase. 

On her left side stood a freakishly tall, wooden ladder. It clung lifelessly along the painted brick walls, and splinters jutted out from every inch of the material. As she examined the rickety contraption, she noticed that it led to a small hatch in the ceiling. 

Was it an attic? She didn't know. She wanted to check if it could be a way of escape, but she stopped herself when Vicious called her down to the dining room. 

"Quinn, darling, breakfast is ready," he called for her. She rolled her eyes at his request. The word darling coming out of his sour mouth sent shivers down her spine. Quinn sighed as she stepped away from the ladder. 

She thought about revisiting the mysterious hatch in the roof as she carefully made her way down the winding staircase. Once she reached the main floor, she saw Vicious sitting at a small, circular dining table just meters away from her. 

The main room was large, and round. There were few dividing walls, and the entire space, much like the bedroom, had a rustic, almost vintage look to it. Quinn spied a kitchen area adjacent to the dining room, and next to that was a large living space complete with an electric fireplace, couch, and TV. Curved bookcases lined the circular space while the rest of the walls lay barren.

Quinn shivered as her bare foot hit the cold, hardwood flooring. She was wearing what she had worn to work yesterday, and her blazer wasn't as warm as she had hoped it would be. Vicious heard her step into the room. He turned to face her as she walked towards the table.

"Are you cold my dear? Gosh, I wish this place wasn't entirely made of brick. It really doesn't keep the heat in as you can tell," he scoffed as he stood up from his chair.

"Here, keep warm," Vicious pulled a chair out for Quinn as he shrugged his overcoat off his shoulders. Quinn remained silent as he draped his jacket over her back. She glared at him as she took a seat at the table.

"Well, isn't this just lovely," Vicious stated through a smile as he made his way back to his seat. In front of Quinn sat a large array of different foods. Fresh fruits, yogurt, eggs, bacon and much more. Quinn was impressed by the spread, but she was hesitant to eat. 

"I don't think lovely is the right way to describe my kidnapping," Quinn murmured as she watched Vicious arrange his plate of food. 

"Kidnapping? By God, who do you think I am?" Vicious scoffed playfully before bringing a spoonful of yogurt and granola to his lips. Quinn watched as he ate. She figured since he had made such efforts to bring her there alive that he most likely was not going to kill her through means of poisoned food. Regardless, Quinn was famished. She surveyed the food ahead of her before reaching towards a large plate of bacon and eggs. 

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