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welcome to part four. our final part. the homestretch. i think you're going to like it here.

I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit





Growth is a funny thing.

It happens when you least expect it, from situations you would never expect it from, and half the time it's happening, you don't even realize it.

It's a really cool feeling to be able to see yourself grow, and to be told by others that they see it too. It makes you feel like you're actually going somewhere. Maybe the destination is still a bit subjective, but wherever it is, you're well on your way.

Take me, for example.

For a while now, I've tried to start each day with a 'hit the ground running' mentality so I can make the most of it. It sounds cliche, I know. But it's worked.

It contrasts the types of mentalities I've had in the past that have mostly been pessimistic, or programmed me to overthink every single damn thing that crossed my mind. It was hard at first, but it got easier with time. And therapy.

There's no one way to grow– like I mentioned, it's a subjective process. It also doesn't end, because there's always an opportunity to grow. I've been growing since I was born, since I graduated high school, since Hawaii, and especially for the past couple of years.

It doesn't come easy– it stems from wounds and helps them heal. The deeper the wound is, the more opportunity– at least in my experience– there is to grow. Allowing yourself to learn and grow means you're not allowing those wounds to stay open, get infected, and create a bigger problem for yourself. Sometimes they might leave a scar when they heal, and that's okay. Sometimes they might not, and that's okay too.

My whole point is that growth is a really wild thing to be able to see yourself do, and acknowledging to yourself that it takes time and that there will sometimes be stunts to that growth is okay too. I simply am speaking from my own personal experience with it where I've learned to do just that. It's hard to delve into it because everyone's process is different in every aspect.

Everything is also not as deep or 'subjective' as I'm going on about right now– if you want a recap, here it is:

I just turned twenty four. I live in Los Angeles with Devin. More on this later. My mom is still in South Carolina– no amount of convincing on my part will get her to move out here. I can't say I blame her. It's hell. I work at a rescue center here, that's why I moved. Also more on that later. Devin is here working her ass off doing famous people's hair and makeup every weekend. Reagan and Hadley are still in New York, but not as of today.

"Can you fucking go!"

Today, they're flying into LA. Reagan needs to be here for work, and Hadley's coming too so we can all reunite.

I'm on my way to get them from the airport.

Sometimes I don't understand how I manage to live in a city where people drive like they're high and drunk and asleep all at the same time.

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