Chapter 25: Am ecstatic

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The following chapter contains violence, Traumatic events be cautious.

Alia P.O.V

Life. A simple word but has a lot going on. It is funny how when we actually have the opportunity to live it we waste it and when it is almost taken away we start regrets. For me the regrets I bared were those of what if I had not run that day? Would I have met them? I prefer to call them animals because of what they did to me. It was so in human and then later the DNA disappear. The lab said that it was given to an intern to handle but I smelt a foul play. Up to now am thirty four and none of them had been apprehended. I had no clue of who they really were and the only lead Tyler was under state protection so I would never get a word out of him. I was shocked that he is Jasmine's half-brother. For years I have been forced to look over my shoulder.

He had instigated all that happened that day. Befriend me, make me fall in love and then do the despicable. There were signs that he could not be trusted but I over looked them because I loved him. I was naive. See when one experiences that kind of pain they develop selective amnesia that helps them forget certain traumatic events in their lives. I chose to forget because it was easier than living with those painful facts. The pain I was currently experiencing took me down the memory lane. Back to those days that I spent countless hours in my room in the dark because I was afraid they would come back for me. Those days that I had to wear baggy looking clothes so as not to draw attention to myself. Those days that made me fear people even my father the one person that was always by my side.

I remember how they handled me. Every thrust, every shove every slap, every pummelling, every grab and he just stood there and watch. We were performing a live porn for him. He had been ordered to also join them in raping me but he chose not so they forced him to watch it. I had to bury my head in shame but they wouldn't allow me to do so. They forced me look at the camera as he filmed it. One of them shoved his disgusting penis in my mouth and made me swallow but not before it was accompanied by a hard slap and then another until I was almost out of air. They did it in turns but now that I remember it I never really paid much attention to them because I forced myself to forget. I remember I had tried to grasp some air when I took a hold of one of them. Took the glove off his hand by mistake. He had this strange marks on his hand and unfortunately I had added some more. Nooo Noooo. I hate this dread. It cannot be him. Why did I have to remember? Of course he would have anything to do with it. How had I not seen before?

A beep came out of nowhere. What is happening?

"We are loosing her.....She needs to stabilise. Sir I might need you to exit.... Where are the heart rechargers?" I have no idea what is going on. It felt as if I was floating. It felt like I was falling to nothingness. Is it time yet? Has my time come to part with earth? But I had a lot to say and do. My kids. Do they even know their mom is about to leave the world of the living? I hope they know that I love them so much and that I would do anything for them. To keep them safe and happy.

Does Andrew have any idea that I had been admitted in this hospital? Is Nicholas aware that am having his baby? He was going to be a dad but I never told him yet. I should have followed Mark advice instead of stalling. Now it is too late. Why is it too painful. Death should be peaceful and no pain. I thought they sedated me. What happened to Morp.. Then I felt him. His callous yet soft and gentle hands. He was there with me. On my final journey. I should have told him I loved him. Whether it was mutual or not he deserved to know. Now am almost gone and he will never know those words. I love you.


Third person P.O.V

"Save it ..if you have to it." She kept on chanting. Nicholas was a little confused because he had no idea what she was talking about.

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