Chapter 23: I want a Divorce

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As she knocked impatiently on the bachelor's pad she could help but wonder what the board had prepared on her behalf. When no one answered the door she used her spare key and walked in. it was silent and she would have thought that no one was around until she heard the moans coming from the bedroom. Her modesty was soon forgotten as she walked into it.

"For crying out loud Mark I have been trying to reach you and you could not spare you dick for business?" She shouted as the two naked individuals scurried to cover themselves.

"Am giving you five minutes to be cleaned up and out here so we can discuss business." She had forty five minutes to spare. After meeting up with Peter and she received the most shocking news she had to consult her vice president who was deep in Violet or whatever her name was. Few minutes later a very neat Mark came out of the bedroom to be greeted by more than Alia in his lounge. Whatever he had done with his lay Alia had no idea.

"May I ask what they are doing in my apartment at this very moment?" He asked in annoyance.

"They are my guards they go wherever I go." Alia chipped.

"Oh really cause that did not seem like it back in paramount when they were hurling you away." Mark rebutted. Alia was lost in thought before it hit her like wave. She had been too preoccupied to remember them manhandling her to her first night with Nicholas.

"Oh my goodness no wonder you looked familiar and you are not forgiven by the way." She was a little upset. How was she too oblivious of her surroundings?

"Anyway now that I am aware of a match to score with them, let's get down to business." and just like that the mood changed to that of business.

"What's up Missy?" Sometimes Alia felt like throttling Mark for his childish ways but since he was her best friend she refrained from it. After twenty minutes of going through the plan they decided to head to heel-bourne where the meeting of the year was to be held. They had not been invited but they were planning on crashing the party. It just had to work in their favour after all this was not new to Alia.

"What happened to your Audi?" Mark asked as they got inside the grey range rover. Alia smiled broadly then answered the question.

"It is at home. New ride a prerogative of yours truly knight in shining armour."

"Wait! Despite giving you security he also gave you a car and not just any car the latest version?" Alia rolled her eyes. "Well yeah but that is not important what is important is the fact that I was almost abducted and we had to change my car since this is termed as a heavy vehicle like Jace had informed. Right Jace?" The man on the passenger seat concurred.

"Am sorry to hear that but at least your prince was there for when I wasn't." He raised his brows suggestively.

"Shut up Mark if you still want kids in the future." She said pointing her eyes towards where the sun shines less.

"You are the queen of mean." Silence filled the car for sometime before Mark decided to break it.

"How are you holding up and how are the kids?"

"They are fine. I had to call the school and request for them to get home tutors from now on. With the dramas surrounding us it is impossible for them to cope. I wish I knew a better way and especially for Charlotte she is too young and innocent to understand. For Lisa I wish I could say the same but she is all grown and internet works best for her so she might hear the wrong news quite easily." She sighed she just wished there was a better way to protect her kids.

"What about Andrew I saw the news." Alia almost teared.

"It is all a giant set up. An inside job and we are pawns in it. They wanted to frame him for rape. They wanted an escape goat when my abduction failed. I had no idea why they were abducting me. They wanted to prove that they meant business. We were all caught up in this web and there is no escaping it. Nicholas is in jail and until he relinquishes his power they will not leave him alone. Andrew was lucky enough that Stephanie was willing to testify."

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