Chapter 22: Make it Rain

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word count 3710

 "Where is my lawyer?"Nicholas asked as he took his seat.

"I have no idea but I had to pose as one since they would not let me in."Matthew whispered then regarded Nicholas. He did fit to be a lawyer because for the first time he had showered and in a suit and some briefcase.

"I have some bad news."

"What is it?" Nicholas asked impatiently.

"Andrew too had deployed someone too to track him. I had no idea until I met with him. Looks like the scope of who is involved in this is quite big. It is no longer about hostile takeovers it is far much worse. Good news is I have the evidence but it is not enough to get you out and clear your name but I hope with the unrest you are creating with the public it will be enough. The people love you just wonder for how long." He smiled smugly at Nicholas.

"How is she doing?" He asked while being careful not to raise his voice. He was concerned and needed to know.

"She is surviving. Though it is worse since both men are creating havoc in her life. Do you know as we speak her husband is being released?" That caught Nicholas' attention.


"someone came forward and collaborated his story. It turns out it was an inside job I have a hunch that this has Edmund written all over it. More interesting is the fact that they had planned it after the Abduction failed. I will keep looking. Hang in there." He said as he stood and walked out.

"Hey Matthew, tell Peter it is code blue." He said as he stood to go back to his cell except he was taken towards the single cells where he would not share with anyone. Meeting with Matthew just brought more questions than answers.


"You fool. I told you to make a perfect fence not a defected one." whip.

It was the everyday life. Whipping, beating, he had to endure all that until his teenage life. Now that he was seated in a deserted corner all felt too surreal. He was trembling after the beating he got from his father earlier that morning. His mother always opted to turn a blind eye and fellow family members too. The only member who never got the ill treatment was Grace his sister. She was the princess and despite him being the first born he had to be perfect in all areas. There was no room for failure. Grades had to be perfect. Chores, clothing even playing had to be done in a noble way. It was all too much for a six year old especially when family members pick up on what the dad was doing. All his life he had to live according to his rules what he says goes if not he knew better than to disobey him.

Today however, he seemed to have really crossed that line. He pressed the wrong key on the piano during a presentation in front of the elite friends of his father and when they went to do the picket fence he forgot to align the wood to the scale. His father would not have it he rammed his head through the wall and next came a beating of the year. He was bleeding profusely. That never stopped him at all he kept going until he lay there unconsciously......

Nicholas woke up to wipe away the shear sweat covering his face. Luckily he was still in his cell. It had been long since he had those nightmares. It had been sixteen years. Why now? It was what was brought with being in an enclosed space. It triggered memories that one did not want to deal with. Sixteen years since he last saw him. His father but why now? Then some clapping was heard.

"What are you doing here?" Nicholas asked rage filled.


"No I mean why this family?" Alia asked and observed as looks were exchanged inside the room.

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