old & wrinkly

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*Rory's pov*

i slam the door to my room, locking it. i try to catch my breath, I'm hyperventilating. i knew he was a murderer but i didn't ever think I'd have to fucking witness this shit. i cup my growing belly bump, another tear running down my face. i have to survive, i have to think this through. for us, for our family, no matter how small it will be.

if i go out there, he'll try to talk with me. he'll try to convince me to be on his side anyways, but at least from the other side of a door- i have an advantage. staying in here; not many weapons, no escape, windows too high, too dangerous. if he comes in here, i have two shots of making it outta here; running downstairs- dead father. staying in here, dead girl and baby. i don't know how I'm gonna make it out of here. considering Bowie and who he has killed? I'm not going to survive this.

i look at my stomach, at this point I've caught my breath. my heart is pounding and my eyes are swollen from crying. bags from the trip are still sitting on my bed, zipped and organized. my heart nearly stops when i heart a very quiet knock on my old, weak door.

"Rory.. please come out so we can talk."

"get the fuck way Bowie, do not touch me."

"i don't really intend to, baby." i walk closer to the door.

"whatever you need to say, say it from where you are." he sighs, after a moment he continues.

"Rory. I'm sorry you had to see that. i couldn't let your father hurt you an our baby anymore. he needed to be stopped." he pauses. "i wasn't very clean with that, so i need to leave tonight ro. and i need you to come with me." i chuckle.

"you really think that I'm seriously just gonna say yes, unlock the door and we can move away from everyone like every things okay? like you haven't killed every. single. person i love?" my voice cracks.

"open the door Rory." silence. "open the fucking door Rory!" he yells, i flinch.


i hear a bang, the door shakes violently. another one, and another one. the door handle finally breaking off and opening. i jump backwards, almost falling. Bowie's revealed on the other side, an ax in his hand, blood on his shirt and random other places on him, specifically his hands.

"you need to come with me Rory, you both do." he gestures towards the baby and i subconsciously cover my belly with my hands.

"please Bowie, please." I'm up against the wall at this point, he takes a few steps forward. looking around my room, his eyes stop at my bags sitting on top of my bed, then he looks at me. anger and almost evil flashing through his eyes. he stops for a moment, swallows, then inhales.

"you've already got your bags packed Rory, we need to leave. now."

"just- you need to back away Bowie. i don't want to hurt you." he smirks, taking a step closer until were a foot away from each other. my eyes peer to the open door behind him leading downstairs, i look back at him.

"same to you Rory, make this easy for us."

"over my dead body." I'm gonna regret saying that. without a second thought i run past him, pushing him to the ground, and running out of my room. the second i make it out of my room, i feel strong hands grip my foot, making me fall on my face. literally.

i scream his name and he drags me backwards till I'm laying underneath his gaze. I'm sobbing like a baby now, fear and panic coursing through my veins. he pulls me up by my neck, raising me up against the wall until my feet aren't touching the ground anymore. i gasp for air, trying to break the grip he has around my neck. his face is still, not a spark of emotion in his eyes. they've grown to be black, not just today either. its been a series of weeks that his golden eyes have slowly melted to be a cold black, darkness surrounding his pupils.

he finally lets me go, i drop to the floor. air rapidly filling my lungs. i see his feet walk back into my room, and even though my neck feels like it just got beaten with a stick hundreds of times; i get up and run downstairs. i hear his footsteps not far behind me, my house isn't that big after all. i run to the kitchen, grabbing a knife. i whip around, Bowie running towards me about 10 feet away. as he approaches me, closer, and closer; i quickly hold out y hand, waiting for him to get close enough for me to stab him. life feels like its in slow motion. he grabs my hand, me not even processing whats happening; obviously hes more experienced than me. he stabs me in my thigh, pushing deep twice, just so i feel the pain. he pulls it out, blood spewing on his pants and on the floor. i gasp, covering it with my hands and dropping to the floor. sobbing in pain. shocks ache throughout my body. he walks away, sitting at the dining room table. i don't know how long its been, I'm assuming 3 or 4 minutes. but i know i need to survive this. i cant die, I'm not allowed to go up there until I'm old and wrinkly, remember? i don't break my promises.

i stand up, biting my tongue and holding back groans and moans from the agonizing aches. i grab the bloody knife from the ground, blood dripping from it. i walk over to the dining table, seeing him sitting there, staring at the fucking wall. i walk behind him, slowly creeping next to his ear, i whisper.

"I'm sorry bo." i pierce the knife though his torso. he makes no noise, no screaming or moaning. just an inhale, he falls to the floor. he pushes himself up to sit against the couch, gripping the wound. his grey shirt slowly staining red. i make the very poor decision to sit next to him, figuring the fight was over. no one had won, it was just.. the end.

"hey." i look at him, his eyebrows scrunched together. he doesn't respond, just grunts.

"what did i do Rory? Jesus." i look at the floor, blood everywhere.

"I'm sorry ro." i look at him, pain in his eyes. i abruptly feel the sharp pain in my upper stomach. i gulp, mouth wide open i fall over. "if i couldn't have you, no one could."

the warmness leaves my body, my love, leaving me. i shed my last tear, squinting my eyes i spot a broken glass shard a foot away from me. i reach for it, slicing my finger. i look at it quickly at it, its almost sharper than the knife. i sit back up and in one move i grab his shirt collar, pulling him towards me. i slit his throat, blood literally squirting on my face. he gasps, looking into my eyes one last time before falling over.

"in another life, my love." blood spilling out of him, he closes his eyes.

i sit for a moment, guilt flooding me. I'm so tired, I'm so so fucking tired. with all my strength i stand up, walking back upstairs towards my room. i grab my phone off my bed, doing what i should've done as soon as i stepped foot in this hell hole. i dial 911, bloody fingerprints on my phone.

"911 whats your emergency?"

"i think, I'm gonna pass out soon." i drop my phone, falling to the ground. all the strength in me fluttering out.

"what is your address sweetie." i quietly hear before closing my eyes.


um... happy thanksgiving everyone!!! i'm thinking about 3-4 more chapters (not including the epilogue and what if chapters). super super proud of the book and how far it's come along even if some things haven't gone like i originally planned i'm so excited!! we've planned the second book (somewhat) but any who..... happy thanksgiving lovely's!! <333

~olivia <3

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