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I walked away quickly, praying he didn't follow. I turned the corner to head to the girls bathroom, if your wondering why I was so worked up over something so little-  Caleb didn't like him.

"Rory wait up!"


I turned around and stopped. He ran up to me and put his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He was sporting a gray hoodie, a plaid red and green jacket on top, a yellow beanie with a curl of brown hair peaking out from underneath. He looked up at me and flashed me a smile. I smiled awkwardly back and started a very forced conversation.

"Sooo, I didn't know you were coming to this school. "
"Yeah what a coincidence right?"
"Yeah.." I laughed awkwardly while he winked. There was an awkward pause as he continued.
"So where's Caleb? I would've thought you two would be two peas in a pod at school." My heart dropped and my mind raced trying to figure out how to tell some random boy you met a beach that your friend is in a coma.
"Uh, yeah Caleb had an accident."
"Oh shit what happened?"
"He's in a coma, he slipped off a cliff."
Bowie's eyes widened and he put his hand up to the bridge of his nose and rubbed it. It was silent for a few minutes before he began again.
"I am so sorry Rory, is he gonna be okay..?"
"They don't really know. "
I crossed my arms and rubbed my elbow, it seemed like he snapped out of his thoughts and brought me into a hug. It was one of those guys where you feel warmth and grief emanating from it. We stayed like this for a couple seconds before the bell rung signaling class was starting soon.
"Well I better go.."
"Oh yeah what's your first class?"
We had found out we had the same first hour class and we walked together, still in a uncomfortable silence. The rest of the day was pretty boring, just the usual popular girls who you've never met coming up to you and hugging you because their hookup is in a coma.

I had given Bowie my number since he was new to school and we already knew eachother. Later that day I went to go visit Caleb. When I got there it was pretty average, pretty depressing. I don't even know how long I had sat there holding his hands, I knew some part of me; deep down had a sliver of hope that maybe I'd I kept coming to visit him he'd wake up. I knew not to get my hopes up so I pushed that tight way down. My phone buzzed on the table next to Caleb and I reached over to grab it.

B: hey do you wanna go get some coffee sometime?
R: uhhh sure?? To go over homework or what
B: no like as a date 

I gasped and stared at the text, I knew he flirted a couple times but I've never actually been asked out? I don't know what to think. I like Bowie and he's really sweet and funny and not to mention hot as hell. Like damn was he carved by god himself??

R: I mean I like you and all but.. caleb isn't really here and I just don't know what to think.
B: I understand
R: yeahhh
B: but if you think I'm not gonna fight for a chance then you got me messed up, see you at school tomorrow ;)

I closed my phone as I tried to collect my thoughts. Did that really just happen? A actual boy likes me?

I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach even though in my heart I felt like I was betraying Caleb somehow.

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