Lactose intolerant

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"So it is true." I hear a smug voice say as I inhale a chocolate sundae at my favorite diner.

"Oh shut up you asshole."

"Jeez, someone's grumpy. I was just worried about my dearest best friend. Hopefully the bathrooms are open after you finish that. " he smirks and I glare at him. Then I smack him.

"Just because I'm lactose intolerant doesn't mean you get to be a bitch. " I scold while he pouts and uses his finger to show an imaginary tear run down his face.

Caleb has always been the flirty, popular 'boy next door' type kid. I'm the opposite. Meanwhile he hooks up with desperate chicks from chemistry, I hide in the library studying. We've been best friends since we were practically in diapers so I think we've just gotten used to each other. He's the yin to my yang, honestly I don't know what I would do without him (if he asks, I never said that).

"Hey cherry, you going to masons party on Friday?"

Cherry is his annoying little nickname for me. He came up with it freshman year when I had decided I wanted to be different, so I dyed my strawberry blond hair- bright red.

"Uhhh, yeah no thanks. But you can go hang out with your ass wipe friends. I don't mind it. I'll just go home and relax with some hot Cheetos and watch some Grey's Anatom-"

"Okay first of all, you have to come. Literally everyone is going and I need a wing woman. Second, that sounds like the lamest thing to do ever, especially watching- that show."

I smack him and he starts laughing.
"Okay I guess so, but only if you stop hating on my shows. "
He cracks up and I roll my eyes.


I jolt out of bed as my alarm clock screams at me. I had a horrible day at school since I spilled coffee all over myself and got an F on my test. I came home and must've fallen asleep. Clearing my thoughts I get up and go shower since today is the stupid party I have to go to. I love Caleb with all my heart but his friends are complete idiots.

When I am done showering I pick out a tight lace-y black dress and I do my makeup. I call my friend Amy since she is driving me. I don't have a car because my mom had died 4 years ago after she got diagnosed with lung cancer. It's been me and my dad ever since and money's been- tight.

I hear a car honk as I finish doing my hair. I run outside and see a cheerful Amy wearing a fluffy pink dress with butterfly clips in her hair. I run into the car and she screams and hugs me.


"You really think so? I think I did too much. I don't want too much attention on me and I feel like-" she cuts me off as she covers my mouth with her hand.

"Shush, you look gorgeous and every boy is gonna be gushing over you. Especially Caleb." She wiggles her eye brows.

She has had this idea that me and Caleb are gonna fall in love since like 7th grade.

As we arrive at masons house, Amy says she is going to get some drinks for us and say hi to everyone. I don't usually drink, so she'll probably be a while trying to find something non-alcoholic for me.

I feel very out of place standing alone in a hallway as everyone dances and drinks. I see multiple girls grinding on random intoxicated boys. I go to sit down as I feel a warm happy presence enter the room. I turn to look and I see Caleb dressed in a maroon button down with one too many buttons undone, black jeans and messy yet slicked back hair. I can't help but feel my heart rate quicken as he laughs and greets one of his teammates from the football team.

Stop it Rory. What are you doing. You've never had this happen to you before, so why do you suddenly feel butterflies as he walks over and says hi? Just quit it. Wait he came over and said hi.

I fall out of my trance and realize Caleb is standing over me, a beer in hand, eyebrows raised probably thinking I'm crazy. I jump up and blush.

"Oh um sorry, I was lost in thought. What did you say?" He has a confused look on his face but continues.

"I just said have you seen amber, she gets drunk super fast so I wanted to keep an eye on her. " my heart drops.

"Wait who the hell is amber again?" I question as I pray it isn't one of his hookups that got too attached again. I don't want another mucky girl crying on my shoulder because Mr. all star doesn't want them anymore. Wow I really am a bitch.

"Um.. my girlfriend? I have told you about this so many times Rory I swear-" my mouth drops.


Hi guys!! So this is my first book that I'm hoping I actually stick with (I don't have any patience lol)

I'm sorry if it isn't the best, like I said I'm not very experienced.

Quick note: I kind of need to speed up the plot because I am sure you guys don't want to read a 60 chapter book, so that's why things escalated so quickly (the party, Rory's weird new feelings)

Anyways I hope everyone liked this! I will most likely update fast since schools almost over, but please vote, follow and comment! (If anyone even reads this hahah)

~Olivia <3

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