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*masons pov*

"Try it out! It might help you learn to talk about your feelings. You might feel better in the end." My therapist is such a dumb bitch. I mean like of course I might feel a teeny bit better sometime. But when the love of your life and high school sweetheart gets brutally murdered, I can't really see myself laughing with sunshine and rainbows and little woodland creatures singing.

Anyways, here I am. Writing down my feelings. In a goddamn diary. It hasn't helped me at all yet. So, kinda pointless. But I figured might as well humor my shrink or whatever.


"Mason, and Mr. Williams, we asked you guys to come in today to talk to you about masons spot on the schools football team. He has missed a couple weeks of school and practices, which is okay considering; but with this many absences we have no other choice but to unfortunately give his spot to someone else."

"No what? My spot? As in my spot of the team?"

"Unfortunately yes."


"Watch it son. We've kicked you off the team but we wouldn't want to give you more consequences." The coach said. My dad just sat there, his face in his palms like a fucking idiot. My dad always finds a way to get disappointed in me. It's just the way it's ways been.

"Consequence?? What am I being punished for?"

"Mason," my dad gives me a look and I close my mouth. "Alright, anything else?"

"Uhh, no I think that's it!" My dumb ass principal says.

I storm out of the room and walk to my dads car, he slowly walks out with poise. I already know what's coming.

*the next day*

I jolt awake and note my surroundings. I remember the events of last night and my head immediately starts pounding. I reach my hand up to my forehead and see blood on my fingers.

The memories of last night come flashing back to me.

You really know how to make a guy wish he wasn't a dad.

"Your such a little bitch"

"I cant believe I was the one who raised you"

"Your a failure"

"Why do you always fucking fail"

"I wish you were never born"

Punch after punch after punch. I got kicked out. Obviously. I'm currently sitting in the woods, I don't know how I got here actually but. I suddenly get super tired again so I decide to go back to sleep. Hopefully a wolf doesn't kill me!! Haha. No seriously I hope a Wolf doesn't eat me.





I open my eyes and see the dark walls of my bedroom. I smell a sweet perfume. It's familiar. I look over and see a glow and a white silhouette.

"Mason!" I hear a laugh echo through my ears and my eyes focus. I see the only girl I've ever truly loved standing in front of me.

Her blond hair flowing, white wings behind her, she's wearing a white dress and has the biggest smile on her perfect face. I jump up and walk in front of her.

"M-Mia? Is it really you?"

"Yes mase, I'm here." She reaches out but sees the cuts all over my face. She slowly touches them but when I flinch she pulls back. She cups my face in her warm hands gently.  "What happened to you?"

She has a concerned look on her face, her cheeks still rosy, her teal eyes still looking like a sea of diamonds. "My-"

"-dad." She finishes my sentence. I look down, ashamed. She pulls me back up to face her.

"I love you mason. Please remember that."

"How is this even happening?? Am I dreaming."

"Technically yes. But I'm still actually here!!" She smiles somehow even brighter and my heart feels like it's glowing.

"I miss you Mia. "

"I know, I'll come back to see you soon my love." I put my hands on top of hers while she's still holding my neck.

"Your it for me mia, your the one."

"No mason, you cant. You have to try to be happy for me, okay? Please. Enjoy it. Love someone. Forget about me. Just live your life like it's the last minute." She has tears in her eyes. I decide that I'd rather leave her hopeful for me, rather than the cold truth.

"I'll try Mia." I give her a smile and she places her lips on mine and when I open my eyes, I'm back in the forest and she's gone.

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