Adonis Aetos

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Calebs pov

I walked to the library to meet up with pride again. He had talked about how this place was super old and creepy and how it was one of the last places I haven't seen yet. I arrived and saw the old beams holding it up, the spiderwebs across the windows, and a shed creepy door. I walked inside and saw pride sitting at a wooden table waiting for me.

"Okay dude, why did you want me to come here of all these cool places. " I sat down and smelt dust and old lady's.

"No this place is so sick look." He pulled out a ancient looking book and blew the dust off of it. When he opened it up, an eerie vibe entered the room. He pointed to a page and started to read it.

"The history of the underworld and the forbidden. The underworld, or AfterLife now, is a beautiful city where the dead can roam free and spend their eternity in serenity. The forbidden however, is a dangerous place full of wandering spirits, mythical monsters, demons, vengeful ghosts, eternal forest, enchanted forest, and evil entity's. It is concealed from the underworld to protect the glorious state of itself. Anyone whom may find themselves in the forbidden, will face serious consequences and may be stuck there if found sneaking off. The forbidden also holds the ocean of souls, and glowing green body of unholy water. Where evil spirits, spirits who came to the underworld and broke the rules, and ghosts go to. You will be stuck in the river forever. A mindless soul wandering in a ocean for eternity. " he closed the book and looked at me, waiting for my expression.


"ISN'T THAT AWESOME!" He shouted but quickly realized his tone and quieted down.

"Dude, we're in a living horror movie. "

"Okay wait, who was the last person to get stuck there? In the forbidden?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I dunno. I didn't read that part, but it also says you can go to haunt there. And lucid dream. "

"Wait-haunt?" I felt a spark of hope in my heart and he continued.

"Yeah, lucid dreaming is like meh- you can visit the living in dreams here. But lucid dreaming is like illegal. But haunting is like a mega no no. But wouldn't it be so cool?"

I swallowed to keep the excitement and hope from coming up.

"Y-yeah, so like where even is this place. "

"Apparently you have to go to the waterfall of youthfulness, and underneath the water there's a cave with a portal that leads there. Cool right?" He smiled and I let out my happiness spite my head telling me not to.

"Literally the coolest. So like, would you go there if you could?"

"I mean- yeah duh, sounds fucking sick like ghosts and shit. I mean haunting would be my go-to since I could go see ya know, him. " he looked down at his hands, his smile fading.

"Who's him?"

"When me and my siblings were born thousands of years ago, nobody liked us since we were all the worst traits you could be. When we died and came here I- I snuck out to haunt when I found out about it. I had hoped maybe I could meet a friend for once and have fun, but I fell in love." He looked up at me and I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows.

"His name was Adonis Aetos. He was the love of my death. I guess. I helped him through every major point in his life, but I know why they forbid haunting. It's a curse. I watched him get married, divorced, have a kid, move to america, get a job, everyone think he's crazy- because of me. I don't know what he's doing now or if he's okay but my heart will forever be his. Even if he doesn't feel the same anymore.

"I'm so sorry pride. I'm going through the same thing- kind of. I've been in love with my best friend since we were 4 meeting at a playground. She completes me. And I couldn't live without her, obviously. But I think she's moved on. At least I hope. But I would do anything to see her again. "

"Anything? Also literally twins. " we laughed.

"I'd do anything. Even sneak in to haunt. " I whispered. He widened his eyes and then looked up to think.

"You are so dumb. Like literally an idiot. I like you. So I'll help you.  "

"Where do we start. "

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